IX - not far from home

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IX - not far from home

I'm your friend, not foe
I pray to the entity out there, that you know
I'm not the dream you remember, nor a nightmare
All I wanted was for someone to care
It wasn't my intent to awake this demon
Now here we are, fleeting, fleeing

The pain kicked in immediately, my eyes shooting open, blinded by the light.

I looked around to my surroundings, dread coming over me.

Red stone ground, cliffs, dead trees all around, the lava pool below.
I'm back.

Instead of being in the old spot we once had camp set up, I was elevated in the air by a box made of glass, only slightly bigger than me.
I pounded on the glass of the box holding me in, feeling suffocated.

I need to get out.
Where are my friends?

Resting my head against the glass, I sighed, staring at my own reflection.
The old dark-hood bandana look was back, this time with more.

I looked to my back, confirming that, yes, these are indeed wings.
They almost looked similar to a devil's wings; similar molding, but black. The edges had crackling, almost like scales, but not quite. I flicked them lightly, a sensation running through them.

I returned my attention back to the glass box.
I need to get out & find my friends.

Again, I pounded on the glass box, screaming.
Slamming my fists against the glass once again, I sighed, laughing to myself.

"What do you want from me!?"

My mind fell blank, my whole body feeling numb. Just when I thought I was back for good, I'm here again.
I really took my time with Zak & Darryl for granted.
Techno, is Techno here?

I sat up, an idea suddenly coming to my head.

Wings. Wings are associated with beings of power..
I have power.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath & tried to concentrate.
I brought my fingers up to the glass, imagining.
Just like Mx taught me, I imagined the glass breaking, shattering as my palms slammed down on it.
Something under me so I wouldn't suffer the fall, like a soft, warm blanket.

Once again, I slammed my fists down on the glass, this time hearing a shatter.
Opening my eyes back up, I gasped as I started falling, slamming against the hard, stone ground.

For a second my breath left my body, leaving me laying there in pain.
I clutched my head, sitting up & looking down at myself.

Nothing appeared to be wrong, except for scraped palms, & most likely my knees, aswell.

God, I could have used my wings to save myself..

I jumped onto my feet, making sure I was aware of my surroundings.
You never really know in a place like there. Anything can happen anytime.

I darted around to see a familiar face, but panicked.

"Tech- Dave!" I called out, rushing over to where he landed peacefully.

As I came closer he seemed almost speechless, staring at me.
It took me a second to realize he was staring the odd wings. He hadn't seem them up to this point, or even had a thought of their existence.

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