XXI - lights out

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XXI - lights out

Although we promised,
we are "friends, not foe!"
I am still unable to shake it;
there's something you know.
Take my hand,
show me the way
We both understand
we aren't meant to make it
to the very next day

"There's been no sighting of him since we've came back, Vincent. He is not going to reply to your calls, just let it go."

Glaring at Darryl, I shifted onto my side, where I was faced away from him. A cabnit full of old china dishes & glasses sat in front of the dining room table, the sun's orange rays glowing down, causing dust particles to be visible around.

Ever since we had returned back home, both Clay & Harvey had gone missing.
There was an ongoing police investigation for 2 weeks, but not even a clue had been found. It was only so long until they'd close it - they would never get any information.

I doubt he is on Earth.

As the phone beeped to voicemail once again, I shut it down, setting it on the side of the table.
Standing up, I made my way over to the kitchen.


A hand on my shoulder stopped me. Zak's dark eyes met mine, a gentle glint hiding in them.

"What would you say to him, anyways..? You haven't talked to Darryl or I since you have made it out of the hospital." he sighed, pausing. He looked over to the door, down at the sun reflecting off of the glass door, "just be careful."

For once, I saw something different in Zak. Something just other than the playful friend I knew, one that would try to make light out of any situation. He was unsure of the severity - thus why he knew he had to stay out of it.

Nodding, I ran into the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar out of the cabnit. I head upstairs to mine & Dave's room, poking in.

Keep my voice low, I asked, "Do you want to go for a walk?"

He looked up from his phone screen, "Yeah."

"I wish we could do this a lot more often," he was focused on our surroundings. By now, the weather was a lot more colder, December soon coming. Frost covered the sidewalks & grass, giving everything a faded tint. By now, most of the leaves has fallen off of the trees.

"Same. We should."

"We don't have time to do that, we have a job, remember. After that, we're out."

"You're right, I guess."

Time continued to pass, still no sign of our friends. After a month, the police closed the case, still having no clues as to where Harvey & Clay had gone. They had questioned us, but never had enough said from us to deem Zak, Darryl or I as suspects.

It seems as the two forgot about it all. Dave had closed himself in, usually staying in the room. Everytime I'd come in, he'd be staring at the ceiling with the same look he had when he died the first time. The dull stare, flat expression. It's something that had been engraved into my mind, something I'd never forget about him.

I barely talked to any of them anymore. Why would I? How could they forget about this all?

Everyday was the same. Wake up to greet one of them in the morning, usually Darryl for his morning coffee, stay until noon to the point it was unbearable, then stay outside around the town until it was midnight.

The sun reflected off of the puddles along the road as it set, raindrops pattering down onto the rough surface.
I swung my feet, the soles of my shoes hitting the ground lightly. The same spot everyday, next to the bleeding hearts bush. By now, the flowers were dead from the cold, but no snow yet.

"You doing alright there?"

I shot my head up from the startle of the sudden voice, looking up to a female standing in front of me, brown eyes shining with concern. As her eyes met mine, they flashed a small gold.

"You're the nurse from the hospital!"

"Yeah, I came to check on you."

She sat beside me, smiling warmly as she looked over me.

Lowering her voice, she explained, "I'm not your guardian; or anyone's. Nonetheless, I have been watching over you and Dave, keeping a close eye,"

"Dave is a guardian, why would you need to watch over him?"

"Some of his power has been revoked," she looked down, smile fading, "Apparently he's been.. dimension hopping,"

It took a moment for me to process what she had said. Had she really said that?
"Sorry, can you repeat that?"

"You heard me. Dimension hopping. They think he is looking for someone, but we he won't say anything. For some reason, his access to the portals to other dimensions can't be revoked. So, he has been traveling to places, some you know, like Fallen, Outvaded, or Sakura."


She looked back up to me again, inquisitive. 
"You know Sakura. You've been there before, haven't you?"

"Uh-, no, sorry."

"Maybe I'm getting mixed up. Whatever, but not just those. Other dimensions that could be dangerous. He doesn't know what is in those worlds, and we don't either. The only reason his access can't be revoked is because we can't get to the dimensions' guardian. Either, he locked our communication, somehow, or something has happened."

Again, her eyes met mine, the glow remaining this time.

"That's why I need your help."

"My help? How could I, a normal person, help beings of higher power, like you?"

Standing up, she smiled again, but this time it seemed so fake.

"Come with me,"

She turned away, not even waiting for a reply.

God, how I get into these messes.

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