XIX - dream on

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XIX - dream on

Too fixated

"So, you guys are friends now?"

"You could say that. I am not one to speak for him, though."

The voices were faded, but familiar.
Clay & Harvey were mid conversation when I awoke from my slumber, for once not feeling the least bit tired.

I sat up, looking around in a daze.
Slowly, the memories from the night before came to me.

"Oh-" Harvey met my eyes, smiling, "he's awake. Morning, a6d."

"Uh, yeah. Good.. morning? What time is it?"

Clay came into view, handing me a plate covered with eggs & lightly toasted bread, topped with butter.

"Eleven AM. I was unsure of if you take liking to bacon.." he muttered, heading back to the stove. Everyone's sleeping bags & pillows had been put away from the night before, most likely in a closet or basket.
He turned around, wiping his hands on an ugly, flower patterned apron.
"Did you have a good sleep?" he eyed me, a glint in his, as if to say This stays between the two of us.

What is there to keep from everyone?

"Yeah. Thanks for.." I looked at Harvey, unsure, "last night."

I decided to say something, it was obvious to what had happened. It was written on my forhead - quite literally.

"No problem."

"You need to start wording things better," Harvey mumbled, lauuing to himself.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes.

After eating & talking a bit with Clay & Harvey, I head outside the cabin.

Zak, Darryl, & Dave were all gathered around a tree, something had caught their attention. Knowing them, it was most likely the smallest thing.

"Whatcha' guys doing?" I asked.

"Hi, a6d," Zak smiled, the nickname seemed to be stuck with some people.
"Dave and I are watching Darryl play with his pet,"

"I'm the one who should word things better.." I mumbled, half assing a chuckle.


"Nothing," he moved aside a bit, letting me see what was going on.

Darryl held a small dark red - almost black - cube in his hand. The only thing not a solid dark on it was 2 large eyes, the large spheres looking up at me. Inside them, a flame burned, a sign of power.

"Wow," I exclaimed. For something so small, it looked like it could put up a fight.

"I know! Isn't he cute?" Darryl exclaimed, bringing his finger & gliding it across the small creature's head. The edges around it melted, a smile on the small thing's face.

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