X - they call it outvaded

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X - they call it outvaded

i've had an epiphany
this never should have involved me
i'm not a bad guy, but you can't see
open your eyes & set me free

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty."

I opened my eyes to see Techno hovering above me, his old sword in hand.
Quickly I sat up, grabbing at it.

He let me hold it, sitting down beside me.
"It feels so long ago already."

"Yet, it's only been 2 months."

The red handle was cold, along with the blade itself. I remembered the image of him standing there beside me, fierce, ready to win.
My chest stung as the sound of his voice echoing through my head.

「 "I'm not ready to go."

"Don't worry," I exclaimed, sitting up & handing the large blade back to him. "This time, we are going to win. The both of us. Zak & Darryl, too."

He smiled with slight sadness, quickly brushing it off as he jumped back up.
"For sure."

"We need to find what it is we're doing back here, though. Remember, even when we get out.." I took a breath, trying to hold back my anger. "We still have another task in the real world."

He didn't reply, just grabbed the small stack of sticks that remained from the fire we had built the night before.
"We're going to need a food source. Any ideas?"

"Do you think there are animals around here?"

He squinted, staring out into the distance.
"I mean, it's possible. There were ghasts here."

"If we can find our way, there is a town somewhere. I don't remember if it was connected to Fallen, but I remember being there with Skeppy & Darryl. It's where I became self aware. I don't quite remember how we ended up here."

Yes I do.
The toxic gas, the odd room, the people chasing us, metting Dream & Techno.
I remember it all.

"Good idea. Do you have any clue on how to get there?"

"Um, no."

He sighed, biting the insie of his cheek.
"Okay, then we're going to have to search here."

I nodded, gripping my bow as soon as it came to my mind.
"We've really gotten better, haven't we?"


I had came back with 2 pigs & a piece of chicken. Somehow, I found them roaming around this lifeless land.

Techno wouldn't be very happy with the 2 pigs, but it's all we could get now.

The picky fucker will have do deal with it.

I returned to our small capsite, placing the meat on one of the logs. Hopefully, just hopefully, they would not become dirty.

Sitting down on another log beside the one with meat, I rested my head on my hand, taking a breath.
I really hate being along with my own mind.

Before I could fall into my thoughts, a sudden voice startled me.


It wasn't a scream, more of a loud hum. The voice was electrified, similar to Mx.

outvaded (skeppy, bbh & a6d)Where stories live. Discover now