XVII - cleaver

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XVII - cleaver

Heart of gold, better left unsold
I agree, it's no fair they have hearts so cold
Even so, I can't do anything to save you
Such a move, too bold

This story is better left untold.

Dave jumped up, rushing over to me.

He held a firm grip on my hand, leading me into a small tent, similar to the ones from when we were originally in Fallen.
Memories started to try & flood my head, only to be blocked out by my need to focus on Dave now.

As soon as the enterance to the tent was covered up, he let out a silent cry & rushed to me, grabbing me in a tight hug.
I dug my head into his neck, accepting the embrace.

"Where were you?! I thought.." he choked out, barely managing.

I knew what he meant.

He thought I was dead.

I breathed into his neck, for the first time in what felt like forever, finally feeling warm.

"It's okay. I'm here now,"

By now he started to break down. I pulled away, wrapping my arms around him, letting him cry on me.

"It's okay, everything's okay. We're safe."

"I was so scared.. More than scared, it felt like fear was eating away at me. Fear that you were somewhere else unsafe, in danger, being tortured.." he flinched, shutting his eyes tight, "I- I had nightmares, voices. I thought I was dying-"

I shushed him, pulling him closer. I layed my head on his, resting on my lap.

"I promise you. Nothing happened, I wasn't hurt. Everything's okay, I'm here. I'm alive. You can feel me," bringing my hand down to his, I intertwined them, "right here."

His faltered breathing started to calm, his body stopped shaking.

"You're right here," he mumbled over & over, "with me."

In what seemed like a minute, he was back on his feet, sitting upright facing me.

"So, how did you come across Zak and Darryl?"

"How sis you come across Dream and TapL?"

I shook my head, dazed.

"It seems like we both have stories to tell, I guess. Might as well where everyone else is,"

Just as I was about to exit, he pulled me back, bringing his face to mine. He rested my nose against his, closing his eyes.
I could feel his soft breath, that now comforting after the episode.

"I can't tell you have relieved I am. I'm so sorry, Vincent."

"Don't be- I shouldn't run off so blindly, especially when we're here. You being my guardian, and all."

He sighed. Not a negative one I had became so used to, but one of relief.

"We should go back outside with the others," he exclaimed, getting up. He held his hand out to me, helping me to get up aswell.

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