XV - white eyes

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XV - white eyes

Eyes are the window to the soul
or so, they say
Me? I can confirm, it's true
the look someone gives
whe they tell something so precious
"'You're dear to me, love,
but don't let my story go untold.'"

Things were tense as the three of us walked. Dream stayed close to Harvey, sneaking glances at me, as if I didn't notice.
It's as if he wanted to telp me something, but was too scared.

Too fucking scared - imagine that.

Dream, the one who had that smug expression on his face before, almost spiteful. As if he took pride in knowing what he was doing.
Now, he was clinging onto somebody almost an entire foot shorter than him. A sight to see really, watching someone's stride being washed away, just like that.
It was deserved.

He deserved to know the feelings I felt - the pain. Yet, it could never compare.

He wasn't in a car crash that could have killed him, & his friends.
He wasn't the one stuck in a game between life & death.
He wasn't the one who watched his best friend die in front of him, because of him.

But, he was the one who killed others for his own benefit.

A monster?

Once again, my eyes met Dream's. This time, he didn't awkwardly glance away.

"What do you have to say to me?" I asked, almost a snap, "Make it worth my time."

He nodded, laying a hand on Harvey's shoulder as to tell him to stay silent.

"It wasn't by will. None of this has been. Mx is no good guy, you know." he continued, shaky breath starting to straighten out, "Darryl found a note, signed by Mx. It talks about 'The Rebellion', and revenge.. on you and Dave,"

Harvey spoke up, "Rebellion?" his voice hinted fear.

"There is a group of creatures, like Mx, native to Fallen. They have named themselves 'The Rebellion', rightfully. For a reason unknown to I, they want the heroes, - Dave and Vincent- " he gestured to me, "dead. I believe not that they are- were sided with the YT monster, either."

Hundreds of thoughts & theories ran through my mind at once.

Mx, a villain?
A liar?
IS this to do with the YT monster?
Perhaps, the world of Outvaded?

"Is that why George is gone?"

Dream hesitated, unable to fight his use of words. He stared right at me, completely frozen in place.

"I- well- that, I am unsure of,"

He inhaled sharply, clearly frustrated.

I couldn't tell if it was spite that brought me the joy of seeing him so weak. Almost like he had been once we rescused him.

Something I don't want to be.

"I apologize," I sighed, him still eyeing me hesitantly, "I understand it isn't you that's at fault. I'm sure you know, dealing with losing someone is one thing. But watching you best friend die? A completely different thing. Watching the world fall apart around you, more than just your friend dying. But, you were manipulated by the rebels, how am I to blame you?"

This time he stopped walking, throwing Harvey off guard from the sudden loss of contact.

"I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not,"

"No, I'm being serious."

Dream wrapped a protective arm around Harvey, bringing him closer in an attempt to console the now sad, smaller male.

I felt like an asshole; basically ignoring Harvey, preying on Dream's vulnerability. No wonder there was so much tension, it was my own blind rage of grief that had caused it.

"I apologize to the both of you. We are all stuck here together, all victims of this mind game. I don't.." my eyes stayed focused on Harvey's softened expression.

Want us all to die with negative feelings towards one another.

"..want our time here to be spent on negative energy."

Dream seemed to catch onto what I was saying, nodding densely.

I'm not making it out alive, I was never meant to.
Techno already met his end.
They're just waiting on mind.
Now that Dream & Harvey are here with me, they won't be making it out safely, either.

"You're right," Harvey broke the silence, piping up & slipping away from Dream's hold, "I'm glad we can all finally get along again. You guys used to be such good friends, I've been scared and confused for and of the both of you, along with the state of your friendship. You two are great,"

My heart dropped at his words.

This whole time I've ignored Harvey's worries & concerns. It's not that I didn't notice, but simply chose to ignore them.

Asshole move, Vincent.

Wordlessly, I stepped towards him & wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his own.

"I guess we all have our wrong doings here. We can't let it stop us, though."

Dream came closer, joining in on the hug.

"You're right."

We were met with a silence. Not another one of those intense, awkward ones, but this time, a more comfortable one.
A hopeful one.

Maybe, just maybe,
we will get out of here.

851 words


hi, it's me, mire. i just want to apologize for such slow updates, & that this chapter was underwhelming. i am struggling lately, & this being my only outlet doesn't help very much. i hope you all understand, updates will be far more frequent from now on.

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