XVI - crafting master

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XVI - crafting master

Fun, bright like the sun, occasionally acts dumb, yet never glum

Not knitty, gritty, kind of witty, memories of us held in me

Tall, yet feels so small, heart of gold because you once understood what it's like to have nothing at all

Mean? A real dream, critical thinking, a rare lean

A smile revealing you are truley vile, better keep myself away from an extra mile

Needy, greedy, need to feed the need to bleed, god, please save me!

Could be kind if I tried, least to say I'm no mastermind

It's us I speak of, the chosen ones
When will they see? This is no fun

"That sounds.. fairly easy, if I dare say."

Clay rested his arms behind his head, leaning against the dried, dirt wall of the den.
Harvey & I had just finished explaining our "plan".

"You have powers to get in the files, do you not? Can you not just teleport?"

"I tried to do so," I mumbled, "but, my acess has been revoked. The tables have turned - I'm no longer the one in control, no longer the "mastermind", if you'd say, behind the screen."

Harvey huffed, "That would have been useful."

"Really," Clay agreed.

"Well, we would have never been able to save you if we weren't still here, Clay. Or fix things with the three of us, either."

"Yeah, you're right." Harvey mumbled.

I shifted over to the den enterance, peering outside.
The sky was just starting to get dark, perfect for hunting endermen.

Turning back to the other two, I gestured for them to follow.

"I believe it's dark enough outside to start hunting endermen.. snow endermen.. snowmen, you could say,"

Both Harvey & Clay groaned & rolled their eyes, but followed me up out of the den, to surface level.
It surprised me the den wasn't yet snowed in. The animals there before must have known well.

We looked around for a moment, until Clay spoke up.

"Hey, is that one there?" he pointed to a tall, slim figure roaming in the forest, enchanting ice particles surrounding it.
There one was, just standing there, it's back to us.


"Yep," Harvey fumbled with the handle of his sword in one hand, "they look cool, don't they?"

Clay nodded, looking over the creature. Suddenly, it turned it's head, locking eyes with the blonde.

My heart dropped as the 3 of us stood still, awaiting a sort of attack from the ender mob.

Instead, it started making it's way to Clay, slosly whilst eye contact remaining strong.
The enderman spoke in it's own language; some dialect of ender, assumimg it's different, reigon based.
Clay's eyes widened, him being left completely speechless.

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