XI - playing with legends

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XI - playing with legends

Legend says, 2 heroes that didn't fall
will find the elements, obtain them all
They call legends legends for a reason
Althought it was never my intentions before, it's time for treason

I felt my heart drop as I let the paper fly from the fingers, quickly grabbing it & stuffing it into my sweater pocket.
"Harvey!" I whispered, going around the aisles of shelves filled with books galore.

"Harvey!" I whispered again, this time a quiet yell.
As I turned another corner I jumped, just avoiding bumping into the shorter male.

"Come on," I muttered, grabbing onto the sleeve of his shirt & starting to speedwalk away  without saying anything more. He didn't protest on, just let me drag him back to the hallway.

"We need to find a way to get out." I exclaimed in a hushed tone, looking around for any possible exit.
The only possible way out was a window at the end of the hall, a familiar white rose laying in a pot placed on a dark, wood table.

For a moment, I stopped, staring at the wilting flower.
I couldn't recall any memory of the plant, yet, it felt like such an important thing to me.

I rrached for it, pulling it away from the far too dry soil, twirling it around my index & ring finger.
"This is our only way out, with the time we have."
I gestured to the window. Harvey nodded, going over to investigate.

He turned to me, frowning.
"It has.. locks."

"That didn't stop us before, did it?"
I stepped over, looking over the designs of swirls & roses on the gold brim, all worn out.
"Well, this is definetly old, but managble."

He stood beside me, staring at the hinges on the window.
They were all old & rusted, most likely unopenable to us.

"God, they really don't want us to esca-"

Suddenly the hinges clicked open, the window falling open our way. We both jumped back in surprise, confused, but greatful.
"What that the wind?"

Harvey shook his head, staring down at his hands.
"I- yeah, probably."

Power of force.

I didn't say anything more, regardless of having many questions to ask him.

"I'll help you get up to the window," I exclaimed. He nodded, getting up on the table.
I held my hands out, he stepped on them. The weight almost caused me to stumble over. I'd try to prepare, but holding another human up with your palms isn't entirely the easiest thing ever.

He rested his hands on the window sill, waiting for my call.

"Okay, on the count of 3, pull yourself up. Three, two.. one."

As he jumped up, I raised my arms up along with him. He pulled himself up, sitting down with his back to the wall.
The space of the window was large, large enough to fit the both of us, to our fortune.

I took my turn. Biting on the stem of the rose, I jumped up on the table & up to the window with ease.
"It's not fair," The asian boy muttered. "You're so fucking TALL!"

I took the flower out of my mouth, sighing for air.
"We have something to focus on for now, shut up, you insect."

He groaned, but remained quiet. We both looked down, taking in our placement.
Below was was a roof, a very large one. It was slanted downwards, curved up at the end. Snow & ice all over it, not ideal for our situation.
"Well, looks like we will have to risk it,"

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