important: about the allegations

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tw // pedophillia, abuse. stay safe <3


if you do not know what is going on right now on twitter, i will fill you in.

a6d was accused of manipulating a group of minors & grooming a minor (14 yr old). while im not sure if the allegations of him abusing them is true, i know that he did state he was friends with this group at one point.

here is the entire thread

i will still continue to write this story, & i will finish it. i am no longer in support of a6d as a person or content creator.
i had many plans for this but i think once i finish this story, i will move on from fallen as a whole.

this story has done so much for me, it will not be forgotten but will not be the same anymore
i will keep this up, even after this story is finished just so people can know


a6d made a thread defending himself & skye deactivated .. wish i had looked into this better & waited for a6d to say something, so apologies to him & everyone here. i never liked skye but with the severeity of the allegations it's always best to believe the victim, or at least what i have been told .. yeah remind me next time stick to nature. new chapter soon

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