V - truth

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V - truth

I hold all power, the world's fate between my palms
It's an odd feeling, but I've gotten used to it
Watch as everyone falls, our heroes.
How did you succeed?
I may never know.

"Vincent, I have an idea."

I adverted my stare from the game I was playing on the mirror to Techno standing in front of me.
"What is?"

"Well, let me explain first."
I sat up properly, crossing my legs to listen to his words.

"As a guardian angel, it's my full deed to protect you, we know that. It's why we're called 'guardians'. That even means, going into the real world to portect you. We've gone over that, too, have we not?"

I nodded, remembering his explanation about it earlier on.

"And, technically this is a situation where I need to protect you. Lingering chaotic energy from an evil being, correct?"

Again, I nodded, wordlessly.

"As a guardian angel, I can take forms of past humans who have died, but on one condition. People who have died only to the hands of this lingering energy source. And.. I've found people who've died to this energy, the monster's."

I felt my heart drop. I lookes up to his eyes, them being like small crystals at the ends. He hated the truth as much as I did; people were dying, & we had to do something about it before it's too late.

"I plan to come to earth with you, taking form as a past victim and.. fighting alongside you in the real world."

"But, won't people be.. confused if they saw somebody they thought that died, well.. alive?"

He shook his heading, looking down for a moment & sighing.
"No, most of them haven't been reported dead, only missing. So, there won't be very much suspicion.. unless the energy is taking form of one of it's victims, looking for you."

"People would think they aren't dead at all.."

He sighed, shaking his head sadly.
"The person I've selected is someone you & Zak both know well, under his online persona. Neither of you have met him, but.. he was my only option. It comes with disadvantages & advantages.."

I stayed quiet, waiting for his answer.

He cleared his throat.
"It's Mega."

His words took a second to register, but hit me like a rock.
I'd never gotten to know Mega, or even be close with him. I knew him & Zak talked a lot, he had many of his own issues, inckuding not being able to speak due to trauma. Zak knew this, off camera he was very gentle with Mega.

"Mega died?"

His head hung low, the only sound the two of us breathing.
The world seemed to stop for a moment, us being the only ones knowing about this death. Us, along with the chaotic energy.

"Do it. Now."

We stared back to each other, his eyes showing a deep pain.

"I'll have to find a way to get over there. I don't know his living situation, I just know it isn't good. I don't think anyone has noticed he's been missing. It's been 2 days, he died 2 night ago."

I huffed, all this coming to my head so quick.
"Okay, I'll find a way to get you over. We'll have to find a way to communicate properly. I'll get you here with us."

"Okay. Also, I can turn into my angel self anytime on earth to help you. I don't always have to be in Mega's body."

"Okay," I exclaimed, shaking my head, trying to drift away from this feeling of disconnection. "I need to go anyways, message me on Twitter as soon as you can, please."

"Will do."

I took one last glance at him before closing my eyes, letting myself go into 'reality'.

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It only took about an hour for me to recieve the message from.. Techno? Mega?




where are you? what's going on?

i woke up passed out in the alley where mega died
i returned to his house because,, he had his adress
on his id
and. right when i get home who i think is his "parents"
beat me up so that was. soemthing

His message sent shivers down my spine.
This is what Mega was dealing with for all this time? He never went to Zak, or anyone? Not even Zelk?

i feel terrible for mega.
i'm buying you a plane ticket over here
what state are you in


pack hi- YOUR stuff quietly and quickly
i'm getting you here in a few days

good. if this energy finds out i, an angel
am here then it's over for me

i'm getting it jow

Quickly, I rushed to log onto the official website of the Chicago airport, purchasing one from Orlando, FL to Chicago, IL.
I got the one that came the soonest, tomorrow at 7am. He had about 7 hours to pack up & escape.

i got you a ticket, here's the info.
- 1 attatched message. click to open

good, see you tomorrow.

I shut my computer off, the realization hitting me I'd have to one, go pick him up, & two, somehow tell Zak & Darryl what was going on, without seeming suspicious.

I made my way to Zak's room, peaking my head in & looking around for him.
"Zak? I have something important to speak to you about. Like, very important.."

"Aag-" I saw the sheets on his bed move, him popping his head out. "I was trying to get a nap," he exclaimed.

No, you weren't.
Sleeping off depression isn't a nap.

"Oh- sorry, but this is urgent. I need to leave around 4am to pick someone up at the airport tomorrow, you'll see who later. But if I am not awake by then, please, wake me up. I'll set an alarm, but I need you to, aswell. Please, this is beyond important. Again, you'll know when you see who it is."

He sighed, lifting the sheets off him & getting up to come closer to me. Once again all he wore was his simple black hoodie & a pair of shorts. His eyes were red, hair a mess.
"Please, tell me who?" he brought his hands together, like a beggar.

"Zak. Please, trust me." I stared into his dull eyes, trying to show him I was serious. "This is so important, I can't explain now.. somebody's life is in my hands."

He finally stood up straight, nodding guiltily.
"Okay. Sorry."
He turned away, slunking into his bed. Before he pulled the sheet over his head again, I spoke on last time.

"Don't be. Please."

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unedited, 1114 words

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