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  His chest ached, tight knots twisted in his churning stomach and hot tears streamed down his swollen bloodshot eyes. His blurry vision and anxiety added to his impatience as his feet tapped intently to the slow tunes of the even slower elevator.

Fuck fuck fuck!

  Finally, it had seemed like decades and he was almost on the verge of breaking down when the doors painfully peeled apart, showing the halls in its bright lights and chemical odours.

27th floor

  He rushed through the opening doors, pushing aside those waiting outside. He heard the usual mutters but he wasn't fazed. He ambled on nonetheless, muttering the numbers on the doors before eventually stumbling upon the right one.

Room 6S

  His heart yelped as he plunged through the doors, heart racing, breath picking and eyes welling up. A pang struck his being as he noticed the slight but obviously visible flinch on the bed. The sheets ruffled a tad and Colton immediately noticed the conscious man.

  He twisted in bed and turned his head ever so slightly in Colton's direction and then, everything froze. Their eyes met.

  The intent stare between both men had wreaked a jolt of rejuvenation within Colton. Colton had multiple emotions swarming at him although the same couldn't be said for the other man. His eyes were blank, he was utterly emotionless.

"Mason!" Colton let out a soft and somewhat inaudible whisper, feeling his legs jolt in excitement as pangs of joy delved him deeper in his emotions.

  Barely seconds passed and Colton clutched dearly unto the younger man's hand, clinging to his side with utmost desperation.

  His warmth was all too welcoming for the man. It was like home in the arms of a lost love. Images from their past morphed before his eyes. Their moments shared, the joy.

The love

"Mason" he choked on a strangled wail as his mind shifted to the present. His eyes cleared up of the memories and he came to the bitter realization.

"Sorry" he apologized quickly, back stepping in withdrawal. The pain nipped at his heart mercilessly and the cringed in discomfort.

"I know" the younger male spoke up, a heaviness burning his throaty voice. Colton shattered a whole lot inside, words of what he truely felt played at the tip of his tongue.

I missed you

"I heard you..uh... Woke up a few hours ago" Colton willed a steady tone as he spoke. His nervousness had began to collect in his throat, forming a hard lump in its wake.

  He stared down at the bedridden man, a glint of hopelessness in his weak eyes. Colton had shrugged it off as symptoms of medication.

"I..." He tried to sit up but Colton was quick to rush to his aid.

"Steady Mase" the young man turned to Colton, blank eyes, a heavy contrast to his quivering lips.

"Mase" he repeated Colton's words, a minute coldness slipping from the word. Colton's eyes jabbed at the man.

"It used to be baby boy" a small sigh escaped the boy's shivering lips as he shifted into a better position no thanks to Colton whose hands had grown numb almost instantly.

  Colton's mind flooded with deep memories. All that they'd shared. It did use to be baby boy. Colton let out a small raspy whine at the thought. It was a mistake. He was a mistake.

Now, Colton had managed to shove down the lump, reaching up to his dirty brown hair, tugging lightly.

"I'm sorry" Mason whimpered and that was when Colton realized the tears pooling down the man's once stiff face, breaking the hard expression he'd carried.

"I...I made a mistake" his body shook and shivered feverishly. It rose major concern within Colton as he mindlessly pondered on what to do.

"I.. I fucked up. I really did this time" bitter frustration and dread overtook his tone as his needy hands gripped on Colton's collar. Tension desperately bored in his tight and aggressively tugging hold.

  He yanked on his clothes like a mad man, rambling and rambling. His words had been falling on deaf ears as Colton immediately sighted the red help button by the bed.

"Mason calm the fuck down!" His hand instantly found the button, smacking down on it.

"No!" A choked scream escaped him as two masked nurses shoved their way through the doors.

  Both women rushed towards the crazed man, gently pushing aside Colton and getting closer to the wreck of dangerously kicking feet and wild arms.

"Colton watch out for him!" He rambled on, struggling with the women as one of them retrieved a needle from a metalic tray.

"Fucking stop struggling and let them help you" Colton's voice cracked deeply, his tone indicating he was on  the verge of tears at the man's wild behavior.

"He's fucked up in the head! They all are!" His rambles slowly began to muffle.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" It was too late, Mason's eyes had already shut.

"Sir, I suggest you leave him to rest, we will contact the inspector once he wakes up again" one of the nurses spoke through her mask, her words sounded like muffles.

"What the hell is wrong with him!" He basically screamed in one of the women's faces, breathing heavily afterwards as she impressively kept her cool with a response.

"He'd suffered a minor head injury, he'll be fine" she assured him.

"Okay..." the managing calmness in his voice was all that was left of his diminishing composure.

  As the nurses were making their retreat, Colton was quick enough to drop a venomous warning.

"..but if anything happens to him, this entire hospital will have hell to pay" both women nodded in response, seeming to be unfazed by his words.


  The doors parted slowly and almost immediately, his nostrils flared with the magnificent scent of dinner. He sighed in sarcastic relief.

Home sweet home

Been busy cuz of school but really got inspired by some new songs you know me song recommendations when I still haven't updated in a while... I like Billie Eillish, Melanie Martinez and just recently, Chase Atlantic and Erykah Badu

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