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A month later

  Cold streaks of water ploughed down on his burning skin, washing away warm sweat. His eyes strained through the water, they appeared empty and bloodshot. Bags circled the rim of his sleep deprived eyes as his fingers reached up to cup a fist full of brown. He sighed, turning to reach for some soap.

He began to scrub

  Increasing the temperature to a mild warmth, his hands worked shampoo into his hair. As he combed through his scalp, his eyes instinctively sauntered downwards. Between his legs was a limp phallus and an empty sac. Some of the sticky mess from earlier still clung to his groin to which he immediately reached to wipe away.

  It was a such inappropriate timing but his body ached for attention. This ache had lurked his nights it for a long thirty days and today was his day of instant relief. He twisted off the knobs, stepping out and retrieving a towel.

  Last night hadn't ended well. He was a sick and sex deprived horny mess. He could vividly recall the image of Mason's face staring back at him through the thin glass of the picture frame as he pumped himself. Nothing; not even for thirty days of trying did he once climax to the thought of the man.

  Now dry, he headed for his walk in wardrobe. His eyes scanned the room, searching for the freshly dry cleaned tux.

  Guilt and depression had appeared to take a wild toll on the man. He was stressed; too stressed for alcohol. Never in his life had he felt more pain. It felt like a parasite, feeding on bits of his soul, sucking him dry of his ability to feel. Frustrated, he had thrown his numb body onto the bed, following several long minutes of fruitless masturbation.

  He kicked on his boots, his feet clad in black socks underneath. He fixed his tie and brushed off stray strands of hair.

  He later made his way down the trail of steps, internally sighing as the new maid waited at the bottom of the flight.  Onreaching the foot, he was quick enough to push pass her as she tried to offer him lunch.

"I'm late as it is, Lisa"

  She was quite young for the job and at first Colton even thought he'd one day wake up to missing property and her sudden disappearance but that definitely wasn't the case. Although the constant but subtle flirtatious stares were a bother, he'd hesitated since she was a hard worker; regardless of whether she was doing it to get between his sheets or not, she did her job.

  The sky rumbled as Colton gaited over to his car, his driver already seated patiently waiting. He entered the vehicle, looking down on his wrist watch warily.

  He bit down on his lower lip as the engine ignited, a habit he'd learned from his rather eventful nights. He peered out the windows and another thunderous sound wreaked from the darkening sky.

"The weather's gonna be a hefty one today" Ray, the driver, muttered as he took a soft turn.

  Guilt nipped at Colton as his eyes searched the face of his watch once again. Why did this have to happen today of all days? 

  He thought deeply to himself. Today was the first day in a whole month since his body ever reacted; but had it been what he was yearning for all this time.


  He wondered the specialty of such an emotional day that'd riled him up so much from not even a single thought of anything erotic whatsoever.

What was it about today?

"We've arrived, sir" The older man's voice broke his mind's grasp on him as he urged a brief nod to the man.

  His fingers curled on the lever but the man was quick to caution him.

"I'd suggest you have this, won't want you getting wet" he muttered the last part mostly to himself as he held up a black umbrella towards the backseat.

"Thank you Ray, don't wander off now" he pointed out to the habit of the man occasionally going for a drive when he dropped him off at important ceremonies.

"Yes sir" his voice shook as a small pout wreaked unseen by his boss. He probably had the exact idea.

  He stepped out of the vehicle and almost on cue, another round of lightening and thunder erupted wreaking a sudden heavy down pour.


It was nearing dusk but the droplets of rain continued to pound down upon the widespread greenery. The humid smell of wet grass extended across the depressing atmosphere. It seems the  sky was mourning the dead as well today.

   Before the casket and open grave stood men and women clad in black with darkened umbrellas clutched in their cold and clammy hands. Faces were glum but one stood out among them all, Colton Acre's. He wore a stoic expression but under that blank face was a troubled man; a certain someone could tell.

"You missed the speeches" a whisper coming from a short plum woman caught his attention.

  A small smile tugged on his lip but he didn't move an inch. A small prayer was in session and he didn't want to seem disrespectful.


  With that, he turned to his side towards the woman. Short almost hedgehog like spikes of pink hair sat on her chubby little face, thick lips coated in soft cherry gloss and those vibrant mismatched irises of Jade green and Ocean blue gazed tenderly at him.

"Jackie" he beamed, pulling the woman in for a tight embrace.

"I see a certain someone missed his aunty" she joked with a chuckle following her statement as he pulled away.

   She was in fact Mason's paternal aunt; the only family member that could make it, or at least wanted to. The Tillers didn't find their little Mason's line of work along with his preferences accepting hence his fellow disowned aunty was his only family.

"You've grown so much, chico" her eyes reflected nothing short of endearment as her fingers reached up to caress his face.

  He smiled down to her, mirroring her gaze only hers were now accommodating tears. She withdrew her hand, muttering some inaudible but obviously Spanish words.

"I can see it, chico, in your eyes" he didn't need to ask to know what she was talking about but his fading smile was all the evidence she needed to know that he comprehended.

"I'll leave you at once, it appears you have company" she spoke up, twitching her pierced nose and nudging her head towards something behind him.

  She slipped away immediately Colton turned to find the centre of her attention that seemed to be lurking behind him.

  Gradually approaching them was Acker. He was dressed in a black dress shirt, slacks and shoes and Colton didn't need to look too far for the man's seemingly missing coat.

  To his side and slightly behind was the oversized coat sprawled over a tiny frame. Colton's eyes narrowed down on the smaller figure and he almost swallowed his tongue in shock.

  The familiar head of jet black hair was tufted in a clean bun, not a stray hair in sight and possibly gelled for precision. He didn't know how to react.

  His feet stiffened and his entire body froze in place, his eyes quit blinking as his fingers squeezed the handle of the umbrella.

Was this the reason of his raging libido that morning?

I'm not Dead....yet case you were wondering... This chapter was literally rushed as you can tell but I'm going with it cuz I semi care but mostly don't ..have a safe, comment and hit my profile, drop something on my message board, a joke, story, book recommendation... anything and maybe follow me while you're at it....later losers!!

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