Chapter 1

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Luke *point of view*

"Hey dumbass," I heard him snarl.

'Oh no. Not again' I thought while groaning. He was my bully. He was a 12 grader that had taken a liking to beating me every week (I was in 12 grade too but I was just the kid that was weird I guess). Every Tuesday and Thursday. But it wasn't just those two days 'cause everyday he would bully me, just not physically only verbally. I looked at the school clock. There was only 5 minutes to final bell so I knew it was time for the pounding I apparently deserved.

I felt the clothing cutting into my neck and the snap of my overly stretched collar. I knew right away who it was.

"I said hey dumbass," he whispered harshly into my ear, causing me instantly wipe my ear to get out the obnoxious spit. I gulped as he pulled me into our regular deserted classroom for my beating. He released me as he closed the door. He started to count down from 10 signaling that I had 10 seconds to hide. I scrambled around desks and chairs, knocking some over and causing quite a ruckus, and went straight to the corner.

He reached zero and sauntered over to me and chuckled maliciously. I sulked more into the corner as if it could swallow me and deposit me on the out of this horrible guys clutches and on the other side of this building.

I felt the punch that he threw vibrate threw my stomach to the rest of my body. I fell to the ground biting my cheek to keep the blood curling scream from escaping my lips. He readied his foot and kicked me in my side with his toe. From what I could tell, more like what I knew, he was damaging my black and blues more from yesterday when he relentlessly kicked me. My jaw and face still hurt even from two days ago. I bit harder on my cheek and shut my eyes tight as if it would actually whisk me away.

"Stand up you worthless piece of shit," he grumbled. I slowly got up using the counter and chairs while grunting and trying to steady my breathing.

"Faster idiot. I ain't got all day," he shouted. I finally got to my feet after a minute or two. Well actually I really don't know how long it took me. My head was spinning and I barely could keep myself on my own two feet. I tried to get myself out of my haze state by blinking my eyes rapidly but that didn't work. I leaned against the wall clutching on to my throbbing stomach and side, mentally preparing myself for the next blow. But it never came. I shrunk and opened one eye to see if he was joking or something. I didn't even hear the door click over or even the sound of feet walking fearlessly over to my bully until I completely opened my eyes. The person rapidly tapped on his shoulders with two fingers. At first, he ignored the person (I was still in a haze kind of state so I don't know what was really going on). But then, his nostrils started to flare and his eyes started to get wide. I instantly knew this was he extremely irritated and angry face. I was about to shout at the person to get the hell out before he hurt both of us, but I just couldn't get the words out. I was scared shitless. He turned around to face the person. I took it as my moment to fall to the ground and curl up in a ball, while still trying to wrap my head around this strange turn of events. I looked up, finally out of my haze state, to see a girl gripping his arm. She was looking at him straight in the eyes with an icy glare. If looks could kill, he would've had a stake through the place where his heart should've been. He swung a punch at her with his other fist, but she was too quick for him. I watched as the punch zoomed over her head, only slightly ruffling her beanie.

In his rage he shouted, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DO-" He was cut off be her throwing an uppercut and making him stumble back. He hit his head with a loud bang, which must've hurt considering how loud it was, on the upper cabinets and passed out.

I finally got to get a good look at the girl who had just saved me. She wore a basic black t-shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, and black high-top converse.

"Are you okay?" she asked as she crouched down to lift up my chin to meet her sea blue eyes that were staring intently at me like she was trying to figure out the severity of pain I was in.

"Y-y-y-y-yes I think at least," I mumbled. She stood and outstretched her hand to me. I clutched on to it with the little bit of strength I had since the hits were still riveting through my body. And since my body was still trying to recover from Tuesday, which he was extremely vicious, the worst I've seen him, I really couldn't do much but groan in pain.

"You don't look it. C'mon lets go before he wakes up," she smiled and draped my arm across her neck to keep me upright. I loved the way she smiled at me even though I could tell she was a little uneasy at this situation. I nodded and tried to smile back but it hurt way to much from Tuesday's 5 hits to the jaw. That was all I really could do anyways.

I felt very sick as we exited school to the deserted parking lot. She trudged with me to her car and smoothly placed me in the passenger seat. That was the last thing I could remember before my vision went blotchy and turned to completely black.

So this is basically a book about bullying. It has a good message but I just wanted to say that if you see anyone being bullied, you don't necessarily need to do the combat way (like what happened hear). Just tell someone. I hate bullying so much.



The Bully || Luke HemmingsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя