Chapter 2

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Luke *point of view*
My eyes fluttered open. I sucked in my surroundings.

'Where the hell am I?' I asked myself. Last I remember was when I was at school and my bully beating me up. I tilted my head up slightly to look around some more. The room was a very boring beige color and there was a kinda big tv. The couches were plain brown and looked worn out. I was currently laying on the sofa and there were two dogs on the love seat. Man, they were some huge dogs. One was a Dalmatian and the other was a Lab.

I heard shuffling coming towards me and was wondering who it was since my mind was completely failing me.

"Oh hey your up," she said giving me a warm smile while leaning over the couch to look at me. I stared into her sea blue eyes and gulped, finally remembering what this girl had done for me. I bit my lip ring while trying to remember. The memory came flooding back and I knew I couldn't ever thank her enough.

"T-t-thank you," I finally stuttered out.

She let out a small chuckle, "For what?" I can't stop staring at her. Her light brown hair fits under her black beanie perfectly. She doesn't wear too much makeup either. I like that about her. All the other girls cake on makeup like there's no tomorrow. She waves her hand in front of my face, disrupting my thoughts. I blush a little and try to hide it, but she laughs and I knew she caught me red handed (or cheeked I guess you could say). She walked around the couch and plopped herself on the floor close to my face.

"Well let me say thanks for getting my bully to back away. Oh by the way, you were awesome! One uppercut and he was down!" I half shouted. She giggled uncontrollably. Her giggles were contagious and soon we were both sitting there giggling. I groaned, feeling the sharp pain from my side.

She stopped laughing and said, "Stop laughing if it hurts." her smiled faded as she caressed my jawline that held so many bruises. She got up from her position on the floor next to the couch I was on and walked away.

"Where are you going?" I asked, suddenly aware of the ice on my chest, stomach, and side.

"Hang on!" she yelled back from what I was assuming was the kitchen. I heard a cabinet open and close and the water running. She returned with a glass of water in one hand and ibuprofen in her right hand which was all bandaged up. I took the pill and a sip of water and asked a bunch of questions. I wanted to know what all went down and I wanted to get to know her. After all she help me escape with minimal amount of bruises and from waking up in some random alley or something. She took off the ice on my body and helped me sit in an upright position. She flicked on the T.V. and turned to me.

"Go ahead ask your questions. I can see your waiting to ask," she said smirking. I smiled and thought about all the questions I wanted to ask.

"Hmm... what's your name? how old are you? why have I never seen you before? why is your hand bandaged up? and why did you help me with my bully?" I asked feeling pretty good about the questions, "oh wait also what time is it?"

"Eager one aren't you," she said winking at me. I chuckled. She continued, "Well my name is Skylar Markens. I'm 18. I just moved to Sydney this week. My hand was a little bruised from his jaw. I helped you cause I hate seeing people get bullied and it is 8:30 pm." she said in one breath.

"Oh god! 8:30 pm! really?!" I asked and she nodded. "Shit I need to call my parents.....oh wait never mind they work tonight." Thank god. she snickered at my dumbness. "Well my name is Luke Hemmings. I'm 18 also and I feel so bad about your hand. But, thank you so very much." I said finally giving out the same information she gave me. She smiled and her eyes flicked to the T.V.

"Yes. Friends is on finally." she muttered. I loved this show and laughed at her. She gave me a confused look and I just laughed more.

"I laughed at what you said," I stated finally giving an explanation to my laughing out burst.
"Ohh," she started to laugh and cover her face. "Do you like friends?"

"Nah. I hate it," I answered sarcastically.

She smiled and turned to me and said, "I can tell we are going to be great friends." I chuckled and was extremely happy I actually made a friend other than my friends who were all older then me and out of high school.

We watched friends for the rest of the night sometimes talking and other times just sitting in comfortable silence.


(Luke's point of view still)

It was now 11:30 pm and she was getting tired. I was glad there wasn't any school tomorrow, especially since there was still lingering pain everywhere on me. We had exchanged phone numbers earlier in the night and I knew I would text her tomorrow.

"I would drive you home, but my brother, Mathew, has my car right now since his is at the shop," she said. She had a guilty look on her face. I gave her a bright smile trying to make her smile and it worked. Her smile came seconds after I flashed mine.

"You're such a dork," she giggled jokingly.

"Oh what ever," I said giving her an eye roll and my fake attitude. She cracked up.

"Let me go call my friend. He can pick me up." I said sliding out my phone. She nodded and went into her kitchen. My friend talked to me for all of two seconds and said he would be over in 10 minutes. No questions asked. That's why he's my best friend/brother.

"He will be over in 10 minutes," I said as she jumped over the couch to take her seat next to me.

"Ok," she answered. We were finishing the rest of the episode of Friends when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" she jumped up and ran to the door. I laughed at her peppiness. I heard door open up and then the loudest squeal ever.

"Ash!" Sky screamed.

"Sky!" Ash answered. I looked over to the front door and saw the two of them in a tight embrace with the door wide open. How do these to know each other?



Anyways. I hope this isn't really crappy and I hope it was longer.
I'll get to explain Skylar's history with Ashton and her parents and stuff like that in the next chapter


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