Chapter 19

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Luke's *point of view*

I sighed, not wanting to leave the little park. But, I knew it was getting late. I tapped Skylar and her eyes met mine. I almost forgot what I was going to say, I was so lost in her eyes.

"It's 11:00 pm. We should go home," I said softly to her. She looked extremely tired, yet still looked gorgeous. I almost made some sort of inhumane sound when I saw her standing there with a pretty denim skirt and black shirt and looking all pretty. She nodded and stood up, snapping me out of my thoughts. I stood up and slung my arm around her shoulder and she wrapped herself around my waist. Smiling to myself, and thinking I could definitely get used to this, we walked backed to the truck and I helped her in. Then, got in myself and began the short drive home. Ashton let me borrow his truck because I know how to drive, pretty well, so he trusted me with it.

I pulled up to my house instead of driving her back to her house. We walked to my front door and went inside. I lead her to my room and gave her a pair of  my sweats and a t-shirt. I walked into my closet like last time, and when I was done I saw her already laying down, waiting for me. She patted the spot next to her and I climbed in. I immediately I cupped her face and gave her a short, sweet kiss. Which, thankfully, she returned. We said our goodnights and I pulled her right up against me and into my chest. She snuggled up to me and I held her tighter.

I fell asleep soon after hearing her breathing steady and sometimes a small snore would scape her mouth. Which I had found adorable. I felt our legs intertwined beneath the sheets, and I fell into a blissful sleep with her next to me.

*next morning*

I woke up and saw Skylar still in my arms. It looked like we hadn't moved at all during the night. She lifted her head up and had a smile plastered on her face.

"Good morning, beautiful," I said to her before leaning in to kiss her forehead. Her cheeks began to flush and she turned her head away.

"Good morning, Lukey," Her morning voice said muffled against my chest. I grinned and pushed her head up to kiss her again. She kissed me back and we just laid there with each other because we didn't feel like getting up.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. It was 11:45 am and we had been up for a while now. She nodded her head and got out of my arms and out of bed. I watched her put her hair up into a ponytail and throw on one of my sweatshirts that was on the floor. I got up after her and we walked down the stairs. I grabbed her a banana and some orange juice. I made myself a bowl of cereal and sat down next to her.

We talked about random things that weren't important, as usual. I scratched the back of my neck. I didn't know if she wanted to stay here and I wanted her to.

"Would you like to stay and watch movies with me?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck nervously. She noticed and took m hand from my neck and held it in hers. She nodded and I walked her over to the living room. I picked a horror movie to start off with.

"Oh dear god, Luke," She said when the title showed up on the screen. I took this as my chance to wrap an arm around her and she leaned into me.

A little bit into the movie, I was chuckling at her and her head was buried into my chest, with her arms around my stomach. Another scream echoed from the speakers and her clutch on me began tighter. I smirked and placed my other arm around her. After nothing happened that was scary in the movie, which she actually watched, the ghost came out on the screen form its hiding place. She shrieked, and jumped, which made her come closer to me if that was possible. I pulled the rest of her into my lap and wrapped my arms tighter around her.

The movie ended and I didn't make a move to get her off my lap, and she didn't lose her grip on me. I guess she realized that the movie was over because her arms around me loosened and she looked up at me with a blush creeping on her face. Chuckling, I kissed her forehead and she grinned at me in return.

"Let's go to the beach," I said after a while of just sitting there with her still in my arms. She nodded and climbed out of my lap to get changed. She came back down with my shirt still her but tucked in her skirt that she wore last night. Her makeup was still intact, and she was combing through her hair with her fingers. I left her tying up her shoes, to get changed myself. I threw on some skinny jeans and a t-shirt from the floor, before running down the steps to her waiting on the couch for me with her hair now in a side braid.

"You ready?" She asked. I nodded and slipped on my black vans. We decided on walking to the beach instead of taking the risk of driving since it was daytime. On the way to beach, we joked and teased with each other, which led to us just laughing the whole way there. I interlocked our hands together and lead her down to the sand. I sat down and patted the spot between my legs. She obliged, and I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist. Her hands rested on mine and she was leaning against my chest.

"Let's go into the water," She said, jumping up from me and taking off her shoes and socks. I laughed as she ran towards the water and splashed around like a kid.

"C'monnnn," Skylar whined, dragging out the 'n'.

"No," I said and motioned to my skinny jeans. Rolling her eyes, she walked out of the water and came towards me, bending down and cupping my face. She pouted, making me instantly melt.

"Fine," I grumbled. She grinned and gave me a quick peck on the lips, before skipping back to the water. I rolled up my jeans and left my shoes and socks behind. I came in contact with the cool water and walked further in so that it barely skimmed my pants. Skylar was in knee deep water, but I wasn't going past my mid calf.

"You're so lucky," I said to her. She turned back and grinned.

"Whatever," She said and stuck her tongue out. I laughed and splashed water at her when her back was turned. She turned around and gave me the 'look' to run. Taking my chance, I ran out of the ocean and back onto the sand, leaving a giggling Skylar still splashing around. I looked around and found a stick. I wrote down something in the sand and tossed the stick to the side. 5 words were etched into the sand.

I ran over to the the water and threw Skylar over my shoulder. She was in closer to the shore so I didn't have to go far.

"Let me down Luke," She said between giggles. I laughed and said no in response. She huffed and tried to wiggle out of my arms to get to the floor. I held her tighter and she just sighed. Laughing, I put her feet to the floor next the question on the sand. I wrapped my arms around her waist while her eyes read over the words.

She looked up at me with happiness in her eyes and it felt good to know that I was the cause of it.

"Yes," She replied and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I turned my head so that our lips could meet and gingerly kissed her. Skylar was my girlfriend, and I couldn't be happier.



Sorry this took so long to post and thanks for the reads and votes!!


The Bully || Luke HemmingsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu