Chapter 15

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Luke *point of view*

I felt her stir in my arms and my eyes immediately shot open, worried that I could be hurting her since I was holding her so close. I tilted my head down to see her already looking up at me. She gave me a faint smile before snuggling closer into my body. This is probably the closest we've been, and that brought a huge grin to my face. She giggled slightly, but then her face paled.

"What's the matter?" I asked, suddenly with a frown on my face.

"Today's Friday," She whispered. I groaned and pulled her closer, if that's possible. I heard my phone ring from my nightstand, making me unwrap from her to reach it. The coldness immediately hit my chest. So when I had picked up the phone, I pressed myself up against her again, and felt the warmness come back.

"Are you up?" Ashton asked, groggily.

"Whoa, are you actually tired for once?" I asked while gasping. I put him on speaker phone, and played with Skylar's hair.

"Shut up. I stayed up all night. I'll be there soon. I'm picking you up first," He responded. He hung up and I heard the beep come from the other line. I sighed and looked at Skylar's face. She only had one briuse on her face, which was good, but I knew her stomach would be covered in bruises.

"You can wear that shirt if you want and just put on your jeans from yesterday," I tell her. She nods and starts to climb out of the bed, wincing here and there. The coldness comes back, and she looks at me with a glance I can't figure out.

"Thank you so much, Luke. I can't ever thank you enough," She says, shifting from one foot to the other.

"Well, I owe you one and a bunch more," I tell her. She giggles and grabs her jeans from her pile of clothes, walking into my bathroom. She comes back a few minutes later, after I am changed into my Nirvana t-shirt and black skinny jeans with rips. I saw that she fixed her makeup so that it wasn't running down her face, she put her hair into a lose side braid, and she was wearing my shirt. My shirt. She looked really good in my shirt and I couldn't help but stare.

"Do you want my sweatshirt?" I ask her. She nods her head and I grab a black sweatshirt from my closet. I slip it over her head and she pushes her arms through. I let my hands linger at her waist, liking the feeling of my hands placed there. Her face turns a light shade of pink. Her hands were on my upper arms, and I knew I probably had a light shade of pink too. Maybe more red then pink. We pulled away at the same time and I scratched the back of my neck. I grabbed her hand and pulled her down to the main level and into the kitchen.

I grabbed a banana and some orange juice and placed it in front of her. She smiled and said, "You remembered."

"Of course I did," I said back. She ate her banana and gulped down her juice, while I ate my cereal. We waited for Ashton on the steps of the front porch. I had my arm slung across her shoulders and her head rested on my shoulder while we waited for Ashton, who was running late by a couple minutes.

"What are you doing here?" Ashton asked as we got into his truck.

"Oh dear god Skylar. Why didn't you call me?" Ashton asked once he saw the bruise on her face.

"Wait. You knew about this?" I asked, confused. I thought he would tell me at least. He nodded his head to me, but turned his attention back to Skylar.

"I didn't call, Luke. I don't really even know why he was there. But, I am sorta happy he was," She responded and teased me with her last sentence. Ashton merely nodded and turned his eyes back to the road, his hands were clutched tight as to where his knuckles turned white. Ashton drove to Skylar's house, noticing that she didn't have shoes or her book bag. I saw the car parked in the driveway and I clenched my jaw and I saw Ashton do the same. Ashton stopped in front of her nieghbor's house that was closest to her window. Ashton hopped, Skylar followed, and I was left dumbfounded in the truck.

I got out quickly, almost falling, and ran to where Skylar and Ashton were standing.

"Are you sure you can do this?" He asks her while glancing between the top of the tree to her. She nodded.

"I've done it before," She assures him. He sighs but turns her around and grabs her waist, lifting her up to the first limb of the tree.

"What are you doing?" I ask Skylar as she begins to climb from limb to limb with ease. She climbs higher and higher, till she comes to limb that sticks out the most. She walks across it like its I balance beam. Then she does the unimaginable. She jumps from the limb to the windowsill. She looks down at us and give both Ashton and I thumbs up before disappearing through her window. Her head peeks out a couple minutes later and she drops her back pack to the ground. She steps out onto the windowsill again and shuts her window. She was about to jump, but I didn't want her to get hurt.

"Wait! Just jump. I'll catch you," I yelled to her. She looked at me with confusion before shaking her head no. I was about to argue, but Ashton beat me to it.

"YES!" He yelled, louder than me. She seemed startled, but she shrugged and prepared for herself to jump. She jump off the edge with no fear. I positioned myself underneath her falling body. I was afriad I would miss her and she would just fall right onto the ground. But those thoughts ended when she safely landed into my arms and her now laced up converse feet bouncing up and down. Ashton was already at the truck placing her back pack in and started it up again. She looked into my eyes and wrapped her hands around my neck. She pulled our foreheads together and I placed her legs on the ground. My hands found her waist and my eyes flicked to her pink plump lips. I couldn't take it anymore.

So, I leaned in.

And so did she.



Fourth update!!


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