Chapter 29

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Luke's *point of view*

I felt something stir next to me. But, I just dismissed it. Then, the movements were quicker. I quickly opened my eyes and adjusted them in the dark. Skylar was laying next to me but I could feel see that she was still sleeping. All of a sudden, Skylar starting muttering 'It's all my fault' over and over. Then I saw tears streaming down her face. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know that she gets nightmares.

Skylar shot out of my arms, now fully awake. I don't think she knew I was awake yet. I saw her pacing the floor and tugging harshly at her hair. She was shaking and she kept whispering things to herself.

"No, no, no, no," "Shit," "I can't let the monster out now," "Stop" Those were the only things that I could catch.

"Skylar..." I whispered. Her head whipped around to me.

"Luke, don't come near me I could hurt you."

Her hands were twitching at her sides. Tears were streaming down her face. She looked on edge.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, cautiously. She bolted out of the room and out of the house. Quickly, I followed after her. She ran and ran all the way into some type of wooded area. I reached the edge of the woods and continued to follow her.

She started to pick things up and break them or throw them around. I couldn't let her continue. This wasn't her.

"Skylar, baby," I said, walking over to her and grasping her shoulders. She tried to wiggle out of my grasped, but I wouldn't let her. I sat down on the floor and pulled her with me. Her eyes were clouded with something I couldn't determine what it was.

"It's okay. Calm down. I'm right here. Shh. Skylar, baby, It's alright," I kept whispering to her while I rubbed her back and placed her in my lap. After a little bit, her eyes weren't clouded anymore.

"Luke. I am so sorry," She gasped and tears started to prickle at her eyes. I swiped my thumbs under her eyes to wipe the away and gently kissed her on her nose.

"Don't be. It's okay. If you don't ind me asking, but what happened?" I asked. She seemed hesitant but answered anyway.

"I'll get nightmares and I'll wake up and then the 'monster' comes out. It likes to break things like how my mother broke me."

"Oh baby," I gasped and held her closer. I stood up and helped her up while placing on her back. She giggled softly, but it made me grin. I walked but to my house and into my bedroom. I glanced at the clock. 3:03 am.

I laid her down on my bed and quickly got in after it, pulling her close to me. Soon enough, she drifted off to sleep and even though I didn't want to, I fell asleep but much later. I just needed to make sure she was okay.


It had been week since Skylar's 'monster' came out. I had spent every night at her house just to make sure she was okay, even though she assured me she was fine. I still worry about her though. She really scared and I'm afraid one day she will hurt herself.

I had told Ashton about what happened and he said it happens to her a lot. He told me it usually happens when something or someone triggers it. I couldn't think of what couldv'e triggered it though. I called Ashton to talk about it.

"But, I don't get it Ash. What couldv'e triggered it?" I asked after a bit of being on the phone.

"I don't know. How long did it take her to calm down?" He asked.

"Like a couple minutes after I stopped her from throwing things." I replied.

"You got her to stop throwing things without her noticing it herself?!" He basically yelled.

"Yeah. Why are you yelling?" I asked, still confused by why he reacted this way.

"I could never get through to her. It's like I- Oh no. Shit," Ashton started to breath heavily over the phone.

"What's t-" I got cut off by Ashton.

"I caused it! I haven't been talking to her! Oh my god! No!" I heard him yelling curses and him banging something.

"Ashton please calm down," I said. He panted but soon came back to a steady breathing.

"So many people left her. I left her. This is my fault. All because I can't let go of the past like her and Cal do. Oh no. How's Cal?" He asked frantically.

I gulped, but answered, "You don't want to know, nor is it in my place to tell you." Which was true. Cal was doing better though. He hadn't had a new cut or burn for a week. Skylar is mostly the reason for it. All she does is make sure he's okay. Which is what I think he needed. I think he needed to know someone cares. That's why he thanks us everyday and when we check his arms.

"No, no, no, no," He was on the verge of tears, I could tell.

"Listen, Ash, I know it's probably really hard to let that go. But, they helped you didn't they? They stuck with you till you pushed them away. Stop basing them on their past. And, yeah, so what if Skylar and Cal started to smoke. You still shouldv'e been there for them. I f it was the opposite way around, you know they wouldv'e stayed."

"I messed up. So much. I need them," He said.

"Then fix it," I said. He muttered an okay and we said goodbye.

I sighed. I hoped they would be okay. I really did. They are so important to each other. There is something there that will always be there. Something that not even this could ruin. I texted Calum, Ashton, and Skylar to come over and watch some movies.

Calum had work for another hour. Ashton and Skylar both said okay. I told Skylar to come over before everyone else did. She arrived about 5 minutes later with a skateboard in hand. I gave a questioning glance at the skateboard.

"M-My brother stopped by. Apparently, she went out on him like she did to me. He said he was sorry for all that he did. He wants to make up with me and actually be a big brother. I'm scared and I told him I'd think about it. He left in tears and gave me his skateboard that I've always wanted," A small smile crept on her face, "What do I do?"

"Well, what would you like to do?" I asked.

"I think I'll give him a second chance. He's all I've got. Thanks," She said and hugged me. I really did love her.

"I love you," I whispered to her.

"I love you too," She whispered back. I kissed her lips and we only broke apart to breathe.

Ashton and Calum came in around the same time and to Skylar and Calum were happy to see him was an understatement. They got along like nothing every happened after Ashton apoligized. Somehow, they both understood where he was coming from and jus hugged him.

Skylar plopped down on his lap and gave him a huge hug while Cal laid on top of both of them and threw his arms around them. Cal got off and Skylar stayed in the hug longer.

"Hey, she's mine," I say and scoop her up from Ashton, bringing her back to where I was sitting and placing her on my lap.

"Told you," Ashton giggled. All three of them burst into laughter, leaving me dumbfounded and confused.



Sorry for the huge amount of dialogue but there was a lot to say.

Next chapter is the last one and then an epilogue and that's it.

I just wanted to say thank you loads for reading this story and for the 1K reads!!!


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