Chapter 6

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Luke *point of view*

It was Sunday night, the night i absolutely dreaded. Tomorrow i will probably get beaten up for what happened on Thursday. I shuddered and tried not think about tomorrow. Ashton, Cal, Skylar, Jay, and i spent the whole weekend together. I don't even think we were away from each other for more than an hour at the most. I'm definitely not complaining though, it really has been an amazing weekend. I didn't even realize that it was Sunday already until i got changed and saw a faint black and blue that was still healing from Thursday. I pushed him and the beating out of my mind and walked out of the room. 

After the we ate on Friday, we all went back to Ashton's place to crash for the night. And then Saturday we had spent just chilling at the skate park, which we all haven't done in a week or two. I spent the night at Skylar's house instead of mine since Jay had wanted me to. The atmosphere was weird when i walked into the house. Skylar's mum was barely home, but she was on Saturday. To me, she seemed a little strict or maybe even a little mean to Skylar. Her dad was never there though. I wondered what happened to him. Her mum left without saying a goodbye to Skylar that night, but Skylar didn't seem to care. In fact, Skylar barely even acknowledged her mother, and she seemed like she was hiding from her since all we did while her mum was there was sit in her room. Her mum hasn't been home since then. I wonder what really happens to her mum when she leaves or why it takes her forever to come back. I could definitely see that they didn't have a very good relationship together

It was now 6:00 pm and i had to leave to go home. I don't think my mum really cared that i stayed at Skylar's because she had briefly met Skylar on Saturday when I went home to get changed and she liked her. But she really liked that i had made a new friend besides the guys.

"HELLO I'M HERE TO PICK UP THE EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD WHO DOESN'T HAVE A CAR YET!" Ashton screamed as he walked in the front door. He shuffled in and went into the kitchen to get some soda from the fridge.

"WHICH ONE?" Skylar yelled back at him and then we both erupted in a fit of laughter. Ashton rolled his eyes at us, but we kept on laughing.

"Whichever eighteen year old that can get a car but doesn't want too," He fired at me and laughed in my face. Skylar was enjoying this whole scene from what i could tell. Whenever she truly laughed her eyes would always crinkle and her laugh would flow with no effort from room to room like a melody.

"Guess that's me then!" I chuckled. I got up off the couch and walked up to give Jay a big hug and grabbed my overnight bag.

"See ya soon buddy," I whispered in his ear. He looked up at me with worried eyes.

"You promise?" He asked shakily.

"I promise," I said as i pulled him for an even tighter hug. I heard Ashton and Skylar gushing over how i was with Jay. I turned to the door and started to walk down the hall.

"I don't get a hug?" Skylar asked jokingly.

"Oh right i forgot whoops," I said as i teased her back. I gave her a hug.

"See ya tomorrow Luke," She said as we broke from the hug, "And when will i see you again Ashton?"

"Tomorrow." He answered and pulled her in for a quick hug before rushing us out to get home. She nodded and shut the door. I heard the bolt slide shut and her steps got softer and softer as she walked away from the door.

"Let's get you home before your mum cries for you," He said as we jumped in the car. I immediately blasted our favorite music station as we drove down to my house.

"HEY MUM!" I yelled as i walked through the front doors into my house. I heard a crash and knew she dropped her favorite plastic cup.

"LUKE HEMMINGS YOU SCARED ME! AND TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES BEFORE YOU STEP ONE MORE FOOT, THE MAID JUST CLEANED THE FLOORS!" She yelled from the kitchen. I snickered and climbed the stairs with my black vans in my hand instead of on my feet. I pushed open the door  and flopped onto my fluffy bed. After a few moments i got up and walked into my bathroom and put all my stuff back from the night before. I subconsciously bit my lip ring while i put everything in just the right spot.

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