Chapter 24

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Skylar's *point of view*

While school dragged on and on, after school seemed to by faster and faster all this week. I hadn't smoked one cigarette since Ashton had told Luke what had happened, even though I felt an urge to call Cal to smoke with me. I almost lit up a cigarette with my own lighter and emergency cigarettes, but then my promise to Luke would pop in my head and this is one promise that I want to keep about smoking.

Ashton seemed happy that he told Luke, and Cal seemed to distance himself from everyone after that night. He was worrying me. Every time we all hung out, Cal would laugh and smile but it would never reach his eyes. He would give me one of those looks and I knew he needed someone to talk to. Cal and I had always been close like that. I could read him like a book, even when he really didn't want me too.

Growing up, Cal and I seemed to click in the beginning. While Ashton and I had to grow to actually become the way we are today. Somehow, Cal would always know when I was upset even if I was acting the same, and I could always tell when he was upset. And this was one of those times.

"Cal," I said, dragging out the 'l'. Cal was laying on my bed, tossing a small ball and catching it. Him, Maddie, and Jordan were here to hang out before I had to leave to meet up with Luke for our date since it was Saturday. Maddie and Jordan were out getting some clothes for me to wear since he was taking me somewhere 'fancy' and according to my annoying best friends, including Cal, said that my black skinny jeans weren't going to cut it.

"Sky," He said, dragging out the 'y' and mimicking me. I giggled slightly, and stretched out my legs from there previous position on the floor. Cal missed catching the ball and it tumbled down the opposite side of where I was. He groaned and sat up while he was getting up he hit his wrist against the nightstand and winced slightly. I think he though that I didn't hear him because he just dismissed it.

His had a hoodie on, even though it was fairly hot outside. Then it clicked.

"Cal come here," I said, without trying to make myself suspicious. He came over quickly and sat next to me on the floor.

"Why are you wearing a hoodie? It's hot in here," I asked, innocently. His face showed fear but he quickly masked it.

"I'm k-kinda cold," He lied.

"Cal, lift up your sleeves," I told him. He looked at me startled and he began to back away from me. I quickly reached out my hand and grabbed his hand to get him to stay near me, being careful not to touch his wrists.

Cautiously, I lifted up Cal's sleeve while he was protesting the whole time. But luckily for me, He didn't try to walk away. It was almost as if he wanted help. As I pulled up the rest of his sleeve, I gasped at the sight of his wrist and arm.

Cuts marked him everywhere. Some fresher than others, some fading. Burn marks littered his arm, but not as much as the cuts. I heard sniffling and looked up to see Cal on the verge of tears.

"Cal Pal, what happened?" I softly asked him, pulling him to sit next to me on the bed. I quickly texted Maddie telling them to take a little longer. He started to cry.

"I'm tired," He choked out in reply. He leaned his head on my shoulder, while I pulled him closer to me.

"Of what?" I asked.

"I feel a-alone. M-my parents s-saying I-I'm worthless, e-even though I am w-worthless and n-no g-good and d-disgusting a-and a piece o-of shit a-and-" He rambled, but I cut him off.

"Cal! Stop! You are not those things you are the complete opposite of those things! And you always have us!" I yelled to him. I felt bad for yelling, but he shouldn't feel like that since he isn't any of those things.

"Then how come I feel like I am those things?" He says while slowing his crying to talk.

"I don't know. How come you do?" I asked.

"Because I get called those things by e-everyone," He stutters.

"I don't, Ashton doesn't, Luke doesn't, Mikey doesn't, Maddie and Jordan don't," I told him.

"But you know m-my parents do and a-always have," He tells me.

"But's that not who you are Cal. You are such a good person. I hate seeing you do this," I whispered to him. He only sniffled in return, not really bothering to answer.

"When did you start?" I asked him after he quieted down some more.

"Couple months ago," He whispered, though I don't think he meant to say it quietly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask softly, trying not to get him sad again.

"Scared," He answered. I sighed and decided to not press him on the subject anymore. It seemed to take a lot out of him to just say that and I was happy that he started to open up to me. He rubbed his cheeks to dry his tear stained cheeks, while I rubbed his back. He looked at me and gave me a big hug, almost knocking me off the side of the bed. I gave him the biggest and most comforting hug I could.

"Why do you feel alone?" I asked, realizing that I completely forgot to ask him.

"You and Luke are like joined at the waist. Ashton and Mikey get along better than Ash and I do these days. I don't know why," He softly said. I urged him to go on since there was obviously more. He continued, "It hurts because you guys are m-my only friends."

I sighed. This was my fault. Luke and I had become extremely close as friends and, you know, more. Ashton and I were still close, but I saw that Ashton had been hanging out more with Mikey and Luke. Ashton may seem like he hangs out with me the most, but he just doesn't act the same anymore.

"Shit, Cal, I am so sorry. You have no idea," I apologized. He quickly shook his head 'no' at me and I gave him a confused glance.

"No, no, no. You still talk to me everyday, which makes you the last person to sorry. You shouldn't even say sorry. You and Luke are dating. It's normal," He assured me. I looked deep into his brown eyes and saw that he actually meant it. I sighed in relief, despite the situation, and pulled him into a big hug.

Suddenly, an idea popped into my head for Cal....

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