Chapter 21

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Luke's *point of view*

I see Skylar fall suddenly up to the floor and look up to meet the dark eyes of you know who. Joey. Of course he wouldn't just leave me alone. And now I had dragged Skylar into this, which is why she was on the floor with Joey standing above her. Not even giving me a side glance. I saw the smirk on his face before his foot reared up and kicked her on the side. Seeing the pain flash across her eyes made me feel like crap. I had brought her into this. He leaned down tugged at her hair that was shielding some of her face.

"What a pretty face," He tsked before leaning down closer to her and continued, "Too bad it will be bruised." His fist came in contact with her jaw with a force that had almost tumbling to the side. But she stayed strong and with gritted teeth, she kept on looking directly at his eyes.

"Tough one, eh?" He chuckled. Slamming his fist into her stomach, a tear finally slipped down her cheek. I couldn't move. Every muscle in my body was on fire and I felt the anger biol inside of me. He punched her again, though I didn't know where since my eyes weren't on his fists but on his head since I just wanted to pound it. I looked one more time at Skylar's face and saw bruises already forming and her tears welled up in her eyes while her lip was between her teeth.

"STOP!" I screamed. Joey, startled, turned to me with a smirk evident on his face. Glancing at Skylar, to see her shriveled up against herself.

"What are you gonna do about?" He said, still smirking at me. He started to chuckle, then laughed, to the point where he was clutching his stomach. At this point, I was fuming so I took my chance and caught him by surprise. I punched him across the face. He gave me a look of disbelief and went to go punch me. This was all too familiar and I knew all his moves, so I easily dodged it and caught his arm in the process. Shock washed over his face and he stared at me with wide eyes.

Taking my chance to catch him off guard, I kneed him in the stomach. He groaned in pain and held onto his stomach. He attempted to punch me in the stomach, but I backed away. I punched him the face and he fell to the floor. I wasn't happy with actually beating someone up, but he messed with Skylar. And I can't let her get hurt even more.

Kicking him a few time in the stomach, making sure they were hard but not hard enough that they will leave huge bruises that will lasts for days like he used to give me. He was in pain, I could tell in his eyes and the way they were begging for me to stop. But I couldn't. It was a way for me to make him feel the way I did.

"How does it feel? Not good huh? Imagine that," I said sarcastically, matching my sarcastic laugh. His eyes were still wide with pain, fear, and disbelief. "Don't touch her or me again," I said before leaning down and giving him a hard slap across his cheek. Red started to appear on his face from the hit and I walked away from him.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked, with all the concern I could give through my adrenaline rush. I cautiously wrap an arm around her stomach and knees and pick her up. She looked at me with eyes filled with happiness. She scanned me to see if I had any bruises, which surprisingly I had walked away with out a scratch.

Her arms wrapped around my neck as I carried her bridal style to the door. I felt her nod against my neck and her arms tightened around me as she gave me a weak hug. I subconsciously smile at her actions, even in this situation, and I felt the butterflies in my stomach.

Her head popped up as her eyes met mine, and she pressed a sweet kiss to my lips before pecking my cheek and saying, "Thank you so much."  Even my cheek tingles when her lips leave it. I always feel a tingle and I wonder if she does too. It was like a normal thing now. So normal that I had gotten used to it since the beginning.

I scoffed, "No way. I've got to more to thank you for."  She chuckled and placed her head on my chest. I contemplated asking her about her smoking that day, but I didn't want to ruin this with her.

I decided asking, but in a whispered tone, "How come you were smoking?" She looked up from her position at my chest. Before making eye contact with her, I texted Ashton to come pick us up. I met her eyes and sat down on the floor with her snuggled up in my lap. Thankfully, she didn't scramble away.

She sighed, and I could see her thinking about whether she could tell me or not. She said, "It-It-It helps me relieve stress and makes me feel better."

I moved my hands to cup her cheeks and kissed her gingerly. I felt her smile through the kiss, which made me smile back before I pulled away. "How often do you do it?" I carefully pressed on.

She gulped but answered, "Cal comes when ever he can. Usually about 2 times a week." That wasn't too bad but I had seen her with multiple packs that were empty.

"How much do you smoke?" I asked. I glanced around hoping Ashton won't turn up soon.

"2 to 3 packs each," She whispered and looked at the floor. Her face radiating embarrassment. I didn't care if she was embarrassed, I lifted her chin up and kissed her once again but a little more needy this time. She mustv'e felt it too because when I went to deepen the kiss, she let me. The tingling sensation shot through me and I loved the feeling of it.

"Would you try to quit, for me?" I asked gently, "I care so much about you, and I would hate to see you smoke."

She looked at me with question in her eyes, but they soon settled into something deeper.

"Yes," She said, kissing me on the lips. She pulled away and I missed her lips on mine, but she didn't lose all contact with me because she laced our hands together as we waited for Ashton.

The Bully || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now