Chapter 11

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Skylar *point of view*

The doorbell rang 30 minutes later. I jumped up startled and grabbed Jay's bag. I was a little sad. But I knew he would be back soon. I shook him awake and he looked up at me with weary eyes and slight bed head.

"C'mon. Your daddy is here," I said sweetly to him. "Luke, go hide in the hall and shut up. Ashton stay right there," I told them. I couldn't have them getting hurt. I walked over to the door and opened it. There stood my idiot brother, Matt.

"Let's go," Matt demanded at Jay. Jay took a step back and looked frightened. I saved him with a giant hug and a kiss on the head.

"I'll see you soon," I said to him. He looked at me before whispering and 'okay' and 'bye'. I sighed. My brother snatched the bag from me and pushed the kid to the car. Jay got in and waved from the window. I hope he is going to his mom's mom this week. That's what usually happens. Matt and his girlfriend, Ashley, can't be bothered with their little child. I shut the door and walked to the hall. Luke was crouched in the corner.

"C'mon. He's gone," I said and gave him a laugh. He nodded and stood up. Ashton was sitting on the couch and looked like he wanted to punch something. I sat next to him, not worrying that he would hit me like Luke looked he was. I rubbed his arm, which always calmed him down. He rambled about how much of a jerk my brother was and I just nodded. I'm not really affected anymore. It's like I'm immune to hurt from my family.

"It's late. You can go home," I said to the now calm Ashton. He nodded and pulled himself off the couch. He motioned for Luke to get up and I gave them both a hug. I shut off the lights downstairs and grabbed my phone. I made my way to the bathroom to shower, so I wouldn't have to get up earlier tomorrow morning. I turned the nozzle to heat and waited for the water to get hot before I stepped in. I let the warm water relax and calm me. I completed my shower and turned off the water. I wrapped a towel around myself and exited the bathroom.

They sound of the lock unbolting was faint, but it made me jump in fear. She has finally come home. I sprinted the rest of the way to my ladder at the end of the hall and swiftly climbed up. Grabbing my black pajama pants and an old acdc shirt, I changed and hopped into my bed. I listened as she hit a wall or a piece of furniture every few seconds. I heard the banging stop and a door slam shut. She was definitely drunk. Hopefully she would leave before I came home from school.

My mind decided to not go to rest, so I ended up staying up for hours and doing absolutely nothing but staring off into the darkness of my room. I drifted into a light sleep in the early morning around 3 am. I sighed when I heard my alarm ring. I stumbled to my dresser not really caring if I matched. I had ended up with red pants, black sweater, and my normal black high tops. I went into the bathroom and put on my simple mascara and winged eyeliner. I decided to just skip breakfast, for the fear of bumping into her and getting a beaten I supposedly deserved. I grabbed my phone and dialed Ashton's phone number.

"Hello?" Ashton said when he picked up on the second ring.

"Can you pick me up now?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"Yes," He responded. Before he hung up I heard him slam the front door. He knew that my mother was home. That would always happen with us. I would call him and tell him that I was coming to his house really early in the morning. Then, we would just sit down and hang out until it was time to go to school. I stayed in my room until I heard a tap on my window. I saw Ashton down below with rocks in his hands. I slid open the window and peeped out.

"Hey dork," I teased and giggled. He pouted in response and waved me down. I threw my book bag to the ground and pushed my legs through the window. I slowly sat on the outside ledge and shut the window behind me. I stood up and pressed against my window. The branch would only be a jump away from the window sill. I took a quick breath and jumped towards the branch. I landed in a crouch and continued to crawl to the trunk of the tree. I placed my feet on different branches and started to climd down. I jumped out of the tree when I was close enough to without getting hurt.

"Nice. I think a new personal record, right?" He teased. I shoved him and laughed. I slung my back pack up and we headed towards his truck.

"Did she do anything yet?" He asked. I shook my head no and he had a look of relief on his face. I cranked up the music . We drove to his house since we had about 15 minutes before we had to pick up Luke. He brought me to his living room where his Xbox was hooked up.

"Up for a round or two of FIFA?" He asked while smirking. I nodded my head and gave him a smirk back. We played two rounds of FIFA. I won the first round and then he won the second round.

"C'mon. It's time to go," He said after he shut of his game. I sighed and reluctantly got up. He mocked me. I gave him a glare and he just giggled. He quickly started the truck once we got outside and drove quickly to Luke's.

By the time we reached there, Luke was sitting on his front porch. I called over to him and he got startled and almost jumped 3 feet in the air. I snickered at him and he shot me a glare once he was in the truck. Ashton mumbled along to the song on the radio and soon we all were belting the lyrics out on the way to school, without caring about if someone heard us.


Hey, sorry for such a short chapter and for it being so late. Anyways, thanks for reading!

BYE ^-^

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