Chapter 13

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Skylar *point of view*

I stared aimlessly at the screen, in a daze of wondering whether or not my mother was home or not. Ashton nudged my knee and jutted his head at Luke's presence. He and I both knew that Luke would ask a ton of questions if I didn't participate like I would normally do. Putting on a fake smile to match my fake attitude, I turned my full attention onto Luke's and Ashton's FIFA match. I snickered like I usually would do, even though it was all fake, at their annoying smack talk to each other.

"Oh pa-lease," Ashton said, full of sass, "You couldn't even beat me if I played with a blindfold on and one arm behind my back." I laughed, some part of it was real but only a small portion. Luke rolled his eyes, but then almost threw his remote across the room as a result of Ashton scoring a goal.

"HA told you," Ashton boasted, getting up and getting all up in Luke's face. Luke pushed him away and ignored Ashton's comments.

"Please Ashton. You know you can't beat everyone in this room," I teased. He sent a smirk in my direction before tossing Luke's remote at me. I caught it with ease and slid off the couch, onto the floor next to him. Sitting with my legs tucked up underneath me, Ashton set up the game. Luke got up from the floor and took my old spot on the couch.

"You play FIFA?" Luke asked. I nodded, cracking my knuckles in the process. Luke smiled but didn't say anything in return. Ashton gave me a glance and I knew he was about to ask his famous question since he thought he was better than everyone else.

"You sure-" He started, but I cut him off.

"We both know I am," I stated. He rolled his eyes but hit start. With my tongue sticking out of my mouth in concentration, our match went on with him scoring a goal, then me scoring a goal. We were tied with 9-9, and I had the ball. Quickly, I directed my little animated team to his side of the field and stealthily scored a goal with 4 seconds to spare. Making Ashton not have enough time to score another goal.

"I let you score that one, Sky," He said, like the sore loser he was. I turned to Luke to see his face in shock. Apparently he probably hasn't ever beaten Ashton. I scoffed at Ashton's remark finally and pushed his arm.

"I never can beat him," Luke grumbled. I laughed, again a small portion of it being real. Ashton kept insisting that he 'let' me score the goal so I wouldn't feel bad. Luke laughed, his laugh instantly easing some of the tension inside of me. It was definitely weird, but like always, and just let it slide over my head. Walking over to Ashton's mini fridge in his basement that we were currently playing FIFA in, I grabbed three bottles of water and tossed one to each of the boys. I chugged about one fourth of the cool substance, and let it slide down my throat.

"Well I'm tired. I'm gonna go. See ya tomorrow, yeah?" I announced, beginning to climb the steps to the first floor. Ashton yelled a goodbye to me and Luke walked behind me.

Before Luke shut the door to Ashton's house, I said to Luke, "Come over anytime if you are angry, sad, bored, or anything. Don't worry about being invited. Just walk in. The key is on top of the door." I knew that it wasn't okay for Luke to be alone. He was constantly in fear and no one truly knew that, except for me since I seem to get through to him because of all the stuff at school. He smiled brightly, one where his smile reached his eyes. He nodded and pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me. I snaked my arms around his waist and squeezed him tight, before pulling away.

I stepped off the porch and began my walk to my house. The sun was setting, leaving the sky in an arrange of orange, red, and some pink. My thoughts lead me all the way home, and soon I was at my own front door. I slipped my keys out of my bag, and put the key in the lock. I slowly turned the key, and slowly opened the door. I scurried in and shut the door silently. Looking both ways, I sprinted towards my ladder in the hallway and climbed into my attic room. I grimaced at the musky smell, still evident that it was indeed a room not meant to be used as a living quarter.

My mother insisted that my brother, who I might add does not even live here, get his own room. Even though he doesn't even visit. Not even when we were in America did he once come to visit. He would just send his little kid on a plane, with one of his friends that would always fly between America and Austrailia for his job. Even now he still is her favorite. He treats her like crap. He left her as soon as he turned 18. Completely left her in the dust. Not a call for about a year and a half. Only a simple text once or twice only on important holidays like Christmas and her birthday. He didn't tell her where he went. He didn't give a heartwarming goodbye. There was no emotion in his goodbye to her, yet she cried for months when he left. She would never cry for me if I left. In fact, she would probably throw a party or some shit like that.

My stomach rumbled, notifying me that I haven't eaten dinner yet. I reluctantly decided to go down to the kitchen, leaving my cell phone in my room. I rummaged throw our almost empty fridge, making a mental note to grocery shopping soon, and looked at the clock. 8:37 pm. I sighed, relieved that I managed to avoid my mother all day. I spoke to soon because I heard the sound of heavy feet stomping down the hallway.

"Skylar, honey, did you think you could avoid me?" Her voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard, cringing I shut the fridge and turned to see her face in an evil smirk.

'Oh no. God no. Please no,' I silently pleaded. I knew it was worthless. Her figure came closer and closer, until she was right up in my face with her sober, evil smirk. She was not drunk. She just liked seeing me hurt. I gulped, and soon I was punched across the face. But before I could fall, she kneed my stomach. My legs gave out, and I fall straight to the ground in a heap. Her next actions, all too familiar, came and I just let them happen. Not having the usual surge of energy when I was in a fight. I think it was my imagination, but I couldv'e sworn I heard my foot door unlock and footsteps run in before the glass vase was dropped onto my head.



Double update!!! Maybe a triple.....


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