Chapter 18

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Skylar *point of view*

I called Maddie and Jordan the minute I got home, telling them to come over to my house. 10 minutes they were over, huffing and panting at the door.

"I need your help," I said, pulling them threw the door and shoving them towards my room. They sat on my bed, kicked off their shoes, and sat criss-crossed before interrogating me.

"What's up?" Jordan asked with a smirk. She always tries to lighten the mood.

"I have a date tomorrow and I need help with the outfit," I quickly explained. Maddie and Jordan looked at me with smirks and wiggled their eyebrows at me. I turned away, blushing, and walked towards my closet.

"With whooo?" Maddie giggled and dragged the 'o' out. I muttered Luke's name and they grinned. They muttered 'I knew it' under their breaths, thinking that I wouldn't hear. Whacking them with pillows, I gave them a glare. They rolled their eyes and got up to search my clothes. They didn't find anything they liked, since my clothes mainly consisted of band tee's and plain black shirts with many, many pairs of skinny jeans and shorts.

"Shopping time!" Maddie exclaimed. I groaned, knowing this would happen. Maddie loves to shop and always tries to find a way to get Jordan and I to go. I had expected Jordan to argue a bit, but no, she agreed and soon we were in Maddie's sliver car on the way to the mall.

"Follow me!" Maddie exclaimed as we walked through the mall doors. She weaved us through the crowd and led us to one of her favorite stores. Grabbing Jordan's and I's wrists, she pulled us through the entrance and we began to browse. I sort of stood there, while Jordan and Maddie piled on things for me to try on. Dresses, tights, skirts, shirts, and tank tops were shoved at me. Once they seemed satisfied with the selection, they shooed me away to go try on the clothes they ad paired up.

A couple of dresses, pants, skirts, and tops later, we still hadn't found anything that was actually pretty. I tried on one of my last outfits, sighing, I hoped this would be the last one. I was tired and hungry, not a good combination for me.

I slipped on a light blue denim skirt that had suspenders built into it, and pulled a black long sleeve crop top. I pulled the suspenders over my shoulders. It showed off a little bit of my stomach and the skirt came to my mid-thigh. I walked out of the dressing room and over to Maddie and Jordan. Their jaws dropped and they nodded their head vigorously.

"That's the one. You are getting that no matter what," Maddie said in her serious shopper tone. I giggled. I actually liked the outfit, and I could still wear my converse and maybe add my red and black flannel around my waist. I had a red necklace that would work with this. I changed back into my other clothes and purchased the skirt and shirt. It didn't cost much. Only about 20 bucks for both.

Maddie and Jordan dropped me off and said they would be back tomorrow before Luke came to pick me up to help me get ready. I climbed my ladder and laid down, falling asleep instantly.


Maddie and Jordan came back two hours before my date. I had already taken my shower, and was just waiting for them to get here to get ready. I put on my new outfit and they proceeded to fluster over my hair, makeup, and just about everything else. They brought over makeup and put some sliver eye shadow on, along with my usual mascara and eyeliner. Then, the curled my hair, which left perfect ringlets cascading down my back. Spraying perfume, I walked through the sweet scent and put some on my wrist and neck. They handed me my converse and I laced them up. Next, they handed me a black small side bag. Maddie stood back admiring their work.

"It's missing something," Jordan said, rubbing her chin. "Aha!" She said, pulling out my red and black flannel from my pile of clothes. She walked over to me and tied the flannel around my waist. I grinned at her, and she returned it. Now, both of them stood back admiring their work.

"Thanks guys," I said, pulling them into a bone crushing hug. They said 'your welcome' into the hug. We pulled away and I glanced at my phone. 7:17pm.

"He's almost hereee," Maddie dragged out. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my face. He was almost here. Only 13 more minutes. The butterflies atarted to form, my palms started to sweat, and my hands started to shake.

"You'll be fine," Both girls assured me and gave me one last hug before walking out of my house. Checking my clock, it was 7:23 pm. I took the last 7 minutes to see if I had everything.

Phone? Check.

Keys? Check.

Chapstick? Check.

Bag? Check.

That's all I needed. As if on cue, the doorbell rang right on 7:30. Grinning, I walked to the door and opened it to see Luke standing there, and damn did he look good. My eyes scanned over him as his did the same to mine. He was wearing a maroon tee with a black jean jacket to go over it and matching black jeans.

"W-Wow," Luke finally stuttered out. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Wow," I repeated to him. His face grew into a cheeky grin, before holding out his arm for me to place mine through. He walked us over to Ashton's pick-up truck arm in arm. That's new, Ashton never let's anyone touch his truck. Being a gentleman, Luke opened the door for me and shut it after I had climbed in.

"So where are we going?" I asked as he started to drive away from my house.

"It's a surprise," He returned. I asked him a few more time but he responded with the same answer, and I decided to just give up since I knew he wouldn't tell me. He pulled up to a small little shopping center a little while later that had some food, shopping, and desert places. Luke pulled into a parking space near a little milkshake place.

"Milkshakes? I love milkshakes!" I exclaimed. He nodded and gave me a huge smiling, while climbing out of the truck to open my door. He laced our hands together and led me into the little milkshake place. I ordered an Oreo one and Luke ordered a chocolate chip one. We sat down at a booth near the back and slurped on out delicious milkshakes, while chatting about hobbies and other non-important things.

"C'mon. Date's not over yet," He smirked at me. I blushed, following him out of the milkshake place with our hands intertwined. He drove a little ways out of town before pulling into a gravel driveway. I looked around at the beautiful scenery. The trees towered over everything and there was a lake off in the distance.

"Wow," I breathed out, looking in awe. Luke chuckled and ran around the front of the truck. He tripped and almost fell straight onto the ground before catching himself, which had me laughing. He glared through the window which made me laugh even harder.

"Okay, okay. Be quiet," He said when opening my door. His cheeks had a tint of red on them. My laughing ceased a little after he locked up the truck.

"Follow me," He said, while putting an arm around my waist. He led me through many paths through the trees till we reached a small clearing where one huge tree stood. He led us over to the trunk of the tree and I leaned back against it and looked up into the sky of stars. I stared at them in awe because of their beauty. I felt his gaze on me and turned to him.

"What?" I giggled, feeling self-conscious about myself.

"nothing," He said, turning his head. But, not before I spotted a tint of crimson red.

After a little while, my neck started to cramp up so I switched my position. I laid down on the cool grass and propped my feet on the tree. Thankfully, I slipped on some shorts under my skirt just in case. Luke joined me on the floor, while we looked at the stars. My arms were stretched on the ground around me. I felt something warm brush against my hand before I felt the warmth radiating off his hand as he held mine. A small smile formed at the small gesture. I heard a ruffling noise, and I looked towards Luke. He was a little closer to me than before, so I decided to close the gap and scoot the rest of the way to him. I felt him relax when I rested my head on his shoulder and he placed his on mine.

'What a wonderful way to end the day,' I thought to myself, while listening to Luke's steady breathing and focusing on his thumb that was now caressing the top of my hand.



Thanks everyone for reading this everyone!!!! Wow, I can't believe this has over 350 reads!!!! Thanks everyone again!!


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