Chapter 28

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Skylar's *point of view*

It's been a week since the fair and everyone seems to be somewhat happy. Michael and Maddie were going on a date tonight, this meaning that Jordan, Calum, and I were there. It was sort of what we were going to do from now on. We dragged Calum kind of everywhere we went for Jordan, and Calum and I only had each other from the past.

We were always inseparable. Sure Ash and I were almost together all the time, but Calum and I were always together. So it was normal for me to drag Calum wherever and he never really cared and doesn't even care now.

Ashton has completely been avoiding us. I gave up trying to talk to him. He obviously didn't want to be associated with me. Calum told me the same and I knew it was taking a toll on him. I checked his cuts 4 times this week. He was okay for around 3 days after the fair. He broke down at his house while we were playing a match of COD and he locked himself away to do it. After he came out he told me that was the longest he's ever been clean.

I couldn't stop him. No matter what I said, he didn't come out until he was done. I couldn't break the door, I'm not strong enough. He told me to go away a few times while he was in there.

Sometimes I really truly think that I'm just someone that's not needed. I mean, I'm abused, I had to move due to my past, I have a really crappy past, a best friend that wants nothing to do with me, and It's always my fault.

I've always been told that. Now I truly believe it. Everything has just been one big mess.

The only thing that is truly good about this time of year is that school is almost over. Just one more month. I don't know what I will do but I'll probably go to a college in Australia and then go from there. We already started to get applications together.

"What about this one?" Maddie says, pulling a dress from her closet and snapping out my long stream of thoughts. We all say no and she sighs and plops on the ground.

"What am I going to wear?" She groans and falls back on her carpet. I hum along to the music softly playing and walk to her closet, rummaging around in it.

I pull out a sweater that was gray and black striped. It was sort of like a shirt that came right below her belly button but was a little longer in the back. Pulling out a pair of solid black skinny jeans with no rips and her gray vans, she examined it before nodded.

Calum and Jordan jokingly said finally, which made us all laugh. We shooed Maddie away to get changed while we sat and waited.

"You can do her her makeup and I'll do the hair," I told Jordan.

"Okay, I should be done with her makeup in like 5 minutes." Jordan was extremely good at makeup so it took her a short amount of time to do it. I was better at hair than makeup. Calum just backed away from our conversation to get out of doing anything.

Maddie came out and twirled for our approval.

"Yes! now hurry before I have to leave!"Jordan ordered. They all scurried down to the bathroom, leaving me alone, while I packed up my stuff. Coming closer to the door, Maddie was just about finished.

Jordan fished and I quickly took some of her hair from the front that was in here face and twisted it back to clip. I curled the ends of her hair and was done. 6 min. New record.

Mikey came and picked her up and we all left, locking the door behind us.

"That's my mom. See you guys soon," She said and quickly kissing Calum on the cheek. He smiled and said 'bye babe' to her. They were going out next weekend apparently.

"Oh my gosh, Calum. You really like her," I told him. He playfully shoves me.

"Wouldn't talk," He teases.


"Luke and you, dummy."

I just laugh and nod because it was true. I loved Luke, not just really liked. We headed back to my house and just sat up in my bedroom to talk. My mom was out (no shocker) and I didn't know where she was (again, no shocker).

My phone interrupted his line of speech and I quickly answer it, seeing that it was Luke.

"Hey, wanna come over for a movie marathon?" Luke asks.

I nod, and then realize that he can't see me and mentally face-palm. I answer, "Sure. I'll kick Cal out now."

Luke laughs and then says, "Okay, well I'll be over in a few to pick you up. My mum let me borrow her car while she's out of town with my dad."

"You can come right in. Door's unlocked," I say and we say our goodbyes.

"Kicking me out now huh?" Cal pouts. I just laugh at him.

"You can stay till he leaves." He nods and we go back to watching the TV.

I remember to check his arms before we leave. "Arm check," I tell him. I didn't see a hint of nervousness in his eyes, but he did trudge over to where I was. He sat down slowly and stuck out his arms. Carefully, in case of any new ones, I roll the sleeve up. There weren't any new ones so I went to check the other arm. No new ones. 4 days. New record.

"Good-" I was cut off by a very nervous Luke.

"Cal. Cal what happened?" Luke says after calming done a bit. Calum had his sleeves down and his head in his hands. I put my arm around me and he leaned into me.

"I'm sorry," He croaked out, "Please don't hate me."

"Cal, there's nothing to be sorry about. I couldn't hate you, you're my best friend." Luke answered. He was still shocked but he composed himself for Calum. I smiled at him for telling that to Calum and he smiled back. He walked over to Calum and sat in front of us. I pulled away Calum's hands away from his face so we could talk to him.

"I couldn't hate you either, Cal Pal. You're me very best friend," I tell him. He pulls us into a group hug. When he pulls away, I see a small smile on his face.

"Thank you, now I'll leave so you can go," He says, standing up and gathering his things. "Don't worry. I'm alright. I gotta get ready for work in an hour anyways." I give him a skeptical look. He adds, "I promise to text you if I do, okay?" I nod and he says bye to us.

"I didn't even know," Luke says guiltily.

"You couldnt've," I say, rubbing his shoulder. He pulls me into his lap and hugs me close. "Luke, it's okay. I've only known for a little bit. I check him all the time too."

He seems to believe it and he gets up to pull me out of the house. While pulling me out of the house he says, "I have a ton of movies to watch so let's hurry." I laugh and climb into the car.

The drive there was short and we just listened to the radio. We got out of the car and raced to the door. Literally. I only won because he tripped.

He put in the first movie and sat down next me. He placed his arms around me and pulled us to lay down so that I'm up against his chest with his arm around my waist. I lace my hand with the one that is across my waist. We watched movies like that for the whole day.



This story is ending soon. In like 2 chaps to make it 30 chaps and then an epilogue!

Thank you all so much for reading!!

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