Chapter 9

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Luke *point of view*

Ashton pulled into the school and screeched to a stop in front of where I sat holding Skylar. He opened the car door and ran around the front to come to Skylar and I. He didn't say hi or anything, which I had expected he would do. He took Skylar from where she sat on my lap and carried her bridal style to the car. I can see the anger and resentfulness radiating off of him. I think if I wasn't hurt, he would've hurt me. He could even hurt me now. I stayed where I was just in case.

"Luke, c'mon. I'm not gonna do anything to you," He sighed and turned to face me after he had buckled in Skylar to the middle seat. I got up hesitantly and winced as I sat against the seat. I guess the bruises were already forming on my back.

"Luke, if you don't mind me asking...... What happened?" He asked. I stared at my feet like they were the most interesting thing in the world. I really can't believe this happened. In all honesty, it should've been me. He's my bully after all. But somethings still confuse me. Like how did Skylar escape the other jock. Ashton sighed in defeat and turned up the radio. I listened to the lyrics of the songs and felt sadness wash over me. Ashton seemed to notice my sudden sad demeanor and reached out to rub circles on my back.

"I know you feel bad, but Skylar will be okay...." He trailed off. Well I heard him mumble something after he finished the sentence, but I chose to ignore it right now. We neared Ashton's house and he slowed down to pull into the driveway. I unbuckled myself and then unbuckled Skylar and picked her up to bring her inside Ashton's house. He swung open the door and I rushed over to the couch to get the unconscious Skylar more comfortable. I put her head in my lap and played with her hair, while my free hand grasped hers for a little bit.

"Tell me what happened," He demanded in a soft tone. He walked from the kitchen and placed an ice pack wrapped in a dishcloth on her bruise. I opened and closed my mouth a bunch of times before I reluctantly told him everything.

"I didn't mean for this to happen," I said in a hushed tone to break the silence after I had told Ashton the story. He looked over e and shook his head, clucking his tongue.

"Man. She never lost her touch," Ashton said to himself while smirking. I gave him a confused look and he dismissed me with his hand.

"Anyways, don't put this on yourself. She knew what she was doing. She will be okay though," Ashton responded to my story finally. I shook my head in a 'I understand' kind of way, when really, I just don't think that should've happened to her.

"Luke, I know what your thinking," Ashton said giving me a knowingly smile. I threw back my head and let out a small giggle. Ashton put on Friends for me to watch, while he went out to pick us up some food. I sat there and occasionally laughed at their skits. Every once in a while, I find my self staring at Skylar before I could even realize. Ashton came back after about a half and hour. He passed me the container and I devoured it as if I hadn't eaten in weeks.

"I think you should get some rest, Luke. You look pretty beaten yourself," Ashton said. I nodded and lifted up Skylar so I could slip next to her. I felt a blanket being thrown over us as until sleep empowered me and I drifted off into a dreamless slumber, with Skylar next to me.


Skylar *point of view*

I slowly opened my eyes and let them adjust. As I took in my surroundings, I noticed that I was at Ashton's and that Luke was laying next to me again. I got up quickly and quietly and padded over to Ashton's room. I rapped my knuckles on the door and I heard a faint 'come in' from Ashton. I slowly opened the door and peeped my head in. Ashton jumped off the bed and came towards me.

The Bully || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now