Chapter 26

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Skylar's *point of view*

(Continuing texts from previous chapter)

Me: when? are you okay?

Calum: I was bout to leave, heard the door, slipped out the window, climbed the tree and saw her car and yep im fine

Me: thanks and good

"We can't go to my house," I looked over at him and gave him a look. He seemed to understand me and just drove to his house instead. He was really silent after that and had an expression that I couldn't read.

Reaching the house, I finally asked, "Are you okay?" He sighed and looked at me from where he was currently trying to unlock the door.

"No I can't stand her. She gets me so mad," He grumbled in anger. I laced my hands through both of his and gave him a peck on the lips. He calmed down and pulled me into a tight hug.

"She's not worth your anger," I said, calmly. He nodded his hand and pulled me through the door. He called out to his mother to tell her I was here and she was fine with it. Which was actually really cool since most parents weren't like that.

We raced up the stairs to his bedroom, tripping over and shoving each other all the way there, he had won. Only cause he could take the stairs at like 4 at a time.

Laughing, he picked me up and threw me over to his couch in his room. Then, he shoved some sweats and a t-shirt in my face. I stuck my tongue out at him to which he maturely returned. I changed while he he changed in his closet.

He walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing me closer to him. I relaxed against his chest and placed my hands on his. He pulled me over to his bed and laid us down. I turned into him and buried my face into his chest, while our legs intertwined and his arms went around my waist, falling asleep.

After waking up, in Luke's tight hold, I managed to grab my phone to text Maddie to discuss the idea for Calum and Jordan without waking Luke up.. She didn't know about what Calum was doing, she only knew that they obviously liked each other.

Immediately, I set into action with Calum while Maddie dealt with Jordan's lazy ass. Jordan literally hates doing things on Sundays and it's so hard to get her out of bed. I had actually gotten lucky, even though Calum is still just as much as a lazy ass as her, but Calum was already at his work so it would be easy to get him to go out.

After Calum had finally answered my text, he said he would be able to make it at 2. Now all Maddie and I had to do was pick somewhere to go. I huffed in annoyance after we hadn't really come up with anything good.

Luke stirred awake next to me and looked up at me with confused blue eyes when he saw me up and on my phone.

"What are you doing, babe?" He asked, voice still groggy from waking up. I smiled at him and placed a peck on his cheek, which seemed to had woke him up.

"Trying to find somewhere to go today with Calum, Maddie, and Jordan," I sighed.

He pouted, "What about me?"

 Giggling, I swatted his chest and said, "Sorry do you want to come? Oh, maybe Mikey can come! And Ash!"

"I definitely want to come. I'll ask the other two," He said. Then his face lit up and he exclaimed, "Let's go to the fair! It opened this weekend! I forgot and tomorrow's the last day!"

"Yes! Let me text my people!" I exclaimed back.

We were grinning like idiots and I was now jumping around his bedroom since I haven't been to a fair in forever. Maddie thought it would be awesome to have more people come so she agreed to have more people join. Calum and Jordan agreed. Mikey agreed after Luke had to call him like 5 times before he finally answered. Luke called Ashton and put him on speaker phone.

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