Chapter 16

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Skylar *point of view*

Ashton cleared his throat in the distance, making Luke and I pull away and take a step back from each other. I shifted my feet around on the ground, like the awkward person I am. He looked flustered, as if he was trying to wrap his head around what we had just done. It was just a kiss. I mean it was a sweet kiss. One of those that are short, but mean a whole lot. I can't believe it. I probably just wrecked this friendship.

Then again, he leaned in first. But, I closed the gap. I looked up from the ground to meet his blue eyes already looking at me, with a smile on his face. 

"I'm sorry," He muttered, his face turning into a frown. I smile at him and shake my head. His face represents relief, as if he thought that I would have been disgusted or not talk to him or something between those lines.

"Me too," I say. He nods his head and opens his arms, motioning for me to come under his outstretched arm. I do as he motioned and we walk back to the car like that. Ashton rolls his eyes at us, but it's like there is something else in his eyes that I can't quite figure out. I let it slide and got into the truck. Luke's hand found mine immediately after we were both buckled. I situated myself in my sit, whimpering at the pain from my bruises that had temporarily left my mind, and turned on the radio. I almost groaned again at the pain.

"Let me see," Ashton said, after noticing my whimpering. I lifted up my shirt to reveal just my stomach, which was covered in black and blues. It was almost as if someone took a paint brush and painted my stomach with a purplish, blackish color. Luke gasped and Ashton was poking it a tiny bit to see where it hurt the most.

"Holy crap. I'm never that bad," Luke said more to himself than to anyone in the truck. Ashton sighed loudly and added a huff in annoyance, before driving to school.

"Yippee. School," I said sarcastically. Groaning and gritting my teeth, I exited the truck and walked over to the tree. I knew what I needed and I needed it soon. I whipped out my phone from my back pocket and texted the one person that could help me.

To Calum: can you make it

From Calum: 4th period okay

To Calum: yup

I sighed and pushed my phone back into my pocket. Luke glanced at me and gave me one of his 100 watt smiles. I couldn't help but smile back at his beaming face.

"Sky!" Tommy shouted, bounding over to us and pulling me into a hug. I ignored the pain that was lighting my body on fire from the inside and hugged him back. I saw Luke's jaw clench and him tense up. I pulled away from the hug to not feel the pain anymore. Tommy gave Luke a smile and Luke returned it, but it was forced, I could tell.

"Maddie and Jordan aren't gonna be here today. The are 'sick', ya know?" He said, putting air quotes around sick. I laughed at him, but instantly regretted it due to a pang in my chest. I mentally groaned and mentally crawled up into a ball and cried. The bell rang and soon we all went our separate ways to our first class. I gave Luke a hug and a wave before turning away from him completely. I only then realize that I'm wearing his shirt and sweatshirt. I smiled while crossing through the doorway, and taking a seat at the back of the room. Isabelle and I talked throughout the whole class period and didn't even care if the teacher caught us.

"Catch ya later," Isabelle said as we rounded the corner to my next class. I nodded my head and turned into the empty classroom to watch the kids pile in. They slowly entered in one by one and soon the bell rung again, indicating that everyone had to be in class.

Class went by shortly and I came overly joyed to see Luke.

"Hey Skylar," His sweet voice rattled through my ears. I turned to face him, my sea blue eyes meeting his piercing icy blue eyes. He was wearing a small smile, and I probably had one too.

"Hey Luke," I returned, sweetly. He scratched the back of his neck, and it looked as if he was contemplating on something. Then he put his hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him. My arms somehow made their way to the nape of his neck he was just previously scratching. His mouth formed into a smirk, making me giggle, and pulling me out of the hallway and to the side of school building.

"So what are we doing out here?" I asked. Luke's smirk appeared again as he pointed to ladder, which led to the roof of the school. Luke started to climb, but there was many holes in the brick and it was only a one story building so I just climbed up the wall. I slid my feet into two small holes that served as foot holes and then lifted myself up a little with my hands that were held onto the bricks. I did this a couple more times before I reached the gutter and swung myself over. Luke had just stepped onto the roof and looked at me with his mouth open.

"What?" I asked, slightly confused.

"You just climbed a wall!" He shouted. I laughed and shrugged it off. It's not like I can climb anything higher. It's just that I'm somewhat tall so it was easier for me to climb and lift myself up. Luke and I ate a lunch he brought with us, that I had failed to notice until now, and we just laughed and talked about nothing important. I had chosen to take the ladder this time, cause I haven't done much climbing lately, and we took our separate ways to fourth period. Before I went into my class, I turned and walked to the other side of the school, completely ditching it, that had the woods right next to them and saw a happy Calum.

(A/N: If you don't like smoking then you can skip the rest of this chapter. This next scene isn't really important. But, it probably will come up later in the story....)

"Finally," He said while pulling out his box of cigarettes. He handed me one of the cigarettes, and I took it  graciously. He pulled out the familiar baby blue lighter. Flicking it, he put the flame at the end of my stick that was placed between my lips. Instantly, I saw the smoke and inhaled deeply, taking a long drag of the thing that could kill me yet gave me so much release. I puffed out the smoke and it mixed with Calum's as he let out his stress. After every inhale, every puff, every cigarette, I felt relieved and free. Standing up, I gave Calum a hug and walked back into school for 5th period.



Thank you all so much for reading and voting!!!!!

I dedicated this chapter to MooMooKitteh for all the very sweet comments that you gave me!!!


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