Chapter 10

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Skylar's *point of view*

My alarm ringer bounced off the walls, sounding me awake. I groaned, but nonetheless, got up and began my daily task of getting ready. I threw on an old, black, long sleeve, crop top. I grabbed my high waist-ed shorts with black leggings on underneath. I sifted through some of my boxes for my dark red beanie and some black suspenders that hung loosely at my sides. Instead of my usual converse, I found a pair of my combat boots from America. I sighed. I was actually a little home sick, but not really since I was back with my two old friends. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, put on my winged eyeliner, and mascara. Grabbing my book bag, I climbed down my ladder and walked into my kitchen.

My mother still hasn't returned home yet. She's probably hungover or at some hotel with some random guy from a bar. Or better yet, she's drinking. Yes she will drink at 5:40 am. I just hope she comes back after Jay has left. I sighed and greeted my dogs that were begging for attention. Jay was actually leaving tomorrow. I feel bad since he has actually been talking more. I knew he wouldn't come back the same though. At least he made a new friend at the daycare Matt and I always take him to.

I dismissed my sad thoughts of my little nephew leaving later tonight, and leashed up the dogs for a morning walk around the block. They ran a few feet ahead of me as they scampered to sniff every bush. We reached my house and they trotted in and waited patiently for their treat. I patted their heads and through two treats in the air. Which they successfully caught. I walked into Jay's room to see him already up and ready.

"What are doing up already?" I ask him. I hug him and give him a kiss on the top of his head.

"I wanted to wake up and get ready without you tickling me," He says while smiling. I laugh and exit his room to go make him breakfast. I pop in two pieces of bread into the toaster. I grabbed a banana and began to eat it while waiting for the bread to be toasted. I brought out the butter, milk, and orange juice. I poured our drinks and then smeared butter onto the toast that had just popped out of the toaster.

"I smell toast," He said while climbing up the bar stool to sit at the higher counter. I nodded my head and handed him his toast and milk. He smiled and then dug into his breakfast. I quickly started to gather up his clothes and toys from around the house so we wouldn't have to do it later. I planned on skipping half of the school day, since it was P.E., Art, and free period. I would leave after lunch when everyone migrated into their next classes. I have free period today instead of Science, so it's not like I would miss anyschool work. I was ecstatic for that. I am not a big fan of that to be honest. Ashton already said he would pick me up and then have Luke just walk home, since we were going to surprise Jay and take him to his favorite park on the other side of town.

"Ashton is at the door!" Jay yelled to me.

"Okay! Can you answer it for me, silly?" I yelled back to him. I heard him giggle and then a door open.

"Sky! C'mon! I decided to pick you up first today!" Ashton yelled from the front door. I put the rest of the clothes into his bag and zipped it up. I ran to the front door and picked up my bag and Jay. I shut the door and jiggled the key to lock it.

"Hey Ash," I said as I hopped into his truck after Jay. By the face Ashton was giving me, I knew he was trying to hold back the secret for this afternoon. I gave him a stern look and he slapped a hand over his mouth while trying to suppress a giggle. Jay sat in my lap and played with my bracelets. Ashton still had a cheeky grin on his face as he drove to Luke's home.

"I'll get him," I declared as we pulled up to Luke's grand house. I bit my lip to prevent from gushing over it. It was huge and the landscape was so perfectly done. There was a bunch of windows that must bring in so much light. It must be at least a 4 or 5 bedroom house. I looked over everything on the front porch in awe. I rang the doorbell and stood there waiting. Soon a little woman with dark black hair came to view as she opened the door.

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