Chapter 7

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Luke *point of view*

In the car Michael kept begging us to bring him to his mom's house since he wanted to grab his Xbox. Skylar informed him that she used to have an Xbox it belonged to her brother but it's broken. So, Michael being the little kid that he is just had to go and grab it so we all could play.

"I'll only be a second," Michael assured. He jumped out of the truck and went into his house. We all huffed as Michael took forever to gather his things. He came back with a huge grin on his face and plopped his stuff in the back and squeezed into the front seat.

"Okay, now i'm ready," He gave us all a smile while the rest of us just rolled our eyes at him.

In less than 10 minutes we were finally on Skylar's doorstep. She jiggled her keys in the door and unlocked. The dogs came bounding over from the living room and jumped on Skylar, which brought her down to the floor laughing. The dogs then greeted the rest of us and Skylar picked up Jay and brought him to the kitchen. When i walked in the kitchen with the pizza, he was sitting on the counter. I opened the boxes and soon everyone was crowding around to get some slices. Michael ended up having 3 slices. Ashton, Skylar, and I all had 2 slices and Jay could only eat one slice.

"C'mon Jay, time for your nap," Skylar said as she went over to pick him up. He groaned but let her bring him to his room.

Ashton tilted his head over to the bedroom door and waved us over. She was singing again to Jay. Her voice filled the room with a melodic sound. We all just stood there and listen to her carry out every song note and knew that Jay was closing his eyes at that moment. Her singing stopped after a little and we heard her walk to the door. We sprinted to the couches and jumped on them before Skylar could turn her head around.

She looked at us suspiciously but dismissed it and grabbed the t.v. remote.

"Okay do you know how to hook the Xbox up to your t.v.?" Michael asked. She nodded her head and grabbed his device, plugging wires into the right places. She grabbed a different remote and flicked it to a different setting which brought up the Xbox home.

"Did you bring games, Mikey?" Ashton asked. Michael's eyes went wide and he shook his head sadly. Ashton huffed and turned to Skylar.

"Still got the game?" He asked, looking smug. She returned the look and nodded yes. They raced to the end of the hallway and climbed up the latter. I looked at Michael and shrugged. We followed them and Michael looked pretty confused when he got to the top.

When Michael surfaced into Skylar's room, I saw the look of pity in his eyes. I mean her room didn't even have a regular ceiling, just the beams of the roof. And she her room was an attic. He scanned the room and looked back and forth between a different  object and Skylar. I must admit, Skylar's room was bare. It had a bed with a plain green bedspread. A little couch that looks like it's been used for years and years. She had a dresser that held the small t.v. on top, but it wasn't anything fancy it was just a dark wood. The closet on the other side of the room was a small walk in closet. But on one of her walls held her addiction to books. But, the books were in heaps on the floor since she didn't have a bookshelf or anything to hold them what so ever.

"You don't have to look at me like that Mikey. It's fine," she cooed sweetly. He put his head down and i saw a little bit of red on his cheeks before he regained his composure. But, I knew how he felt since i had once gave that same look to her.

"Sorry," he muttered before jumping on the bed. Ashton and Skylar were bent over a couple boxes that still weren't unpacked. They kept shuffling threw them and if they didn't find what the mysterious item was they would move on to a different box.

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