Chapter 30

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Luke's *point of view*

1 month later-

I stared at the yellow envelope in my. Quickly glancing up, I saw everyone with the same expression; staring at the envelope that made a huge impact. Skylar met my eye and she gave me a nervous look. Maddie, Jordan, Skylar, Calum, and I all started to slowly tear away the seal. Calum had already graduated but for Jordan's sake, he decided to go to college after all.

Graduation was only 3 days away. Meaning that I could finally escape that school of horrid and great memories. I will always remember those great memories, though.

"Who's going first?" Mikey asked from behind Maddie's shoulder. Everyone shrugged and Skylar raised her hand, we nodded at her. She carefully pulled out the letter and unfolded it. Quickly, a smile spread on her overjoyed face.

"I got in!" She yelled. We all clapped, but I pulled her in for a kiss which she returned back happily.

"I'll go," I said. Skylar put her arm around me. I scanned the letter, after basically ripping the envelope in half to get it out. I yelled out a 'yes' and everyone clapped. Pulling Skylar into another kiss, I knew that I was so set for life with her.

"Us next!" Jordan said from Calum's lap. They were officially going 'steady' and already were in love. Jordan screamed and jumped, meaning that she had definitely got in. Calum's face looked deflated and Jordan stopped jumping immediately.

"Aw, it's okay. I still love you," Jordan cooed to Calum, pulling him in for a kiss. He laughed into the kiss.

"I got in. I was just thinking that we couldn't spend as much time together," Calum said, laughing. Jordan glared at him and he tickled her; making her laugh immediately. Everyone in the room gagged, but they just decided to ignore us.

"You do it," Maddie said to Mikey, handing him the letter.

"You sure?" He asked. She nodded. Mikey read the note and a proud smile showed on his face as he said, "You did it baby."

We all cheered and Skylar and I kissed, Jordan and Calum kissed, and Mikey and Maddie kissed. Ashton cleared his throat and gagged.

"Uh hello?" He said, pouting. We all pulled apart and ran over to him, pulling him into a huge group hug. His pout turned into a grin as we squeezed him tight.

"Let's go celebrate with pizza!" Mikey yelled. We all ran out of the house and made our way to the restaurant.


3 days later (Graduation Day)

I turned around in the line to see Skylar standing there in her cape in gown. Her brother was talking to her and they seemed to being great. I could see the happiness radiating off of her when they talked. Even Jay was here. Skylar caught me staring at her and waved at me, with  huge grin. I did the same back to her.

"So you must be the famous Luke?" Someone asked me. I turned around and my eyes caught Skylar's brother. He had a stone expression and I gulped nervously.

"Y-Yes s-sir," I stuttered, nervously. He cracked up and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you for looking after my little sister. Don't call me sir. But if you ever hurt her. Oh boy, you don't wanna know what'll happen," He said to me. I nodded furiously and he waved, going back to his seat.

I looked over to Skylar and it looked like she was trying to hold back her laughter. She saw what happened and was cracking up. I laughed at her and just stared at the beautiful girl I can call my girlfriend. Soon the music started to play so I turned back around to face the front. Everyone began to move forward and then fill in the seats.

After a little while, my name was called and I focused on not tripping as I went onto the stage. I held the diploma in one hand and shook the hands of the people I would most likely never see again.

After reaching my seat, I blanked out until Skylar's name was called. I watched her walk up the stage with no sign of fear showing. She walked with ease and a giant smile was permanently placed on her face. Just seeing her made me happy. I focused on her and not the speeches that seemed to take forever.

We threw our hats in the air and I made my way to Skylar, pulling her into a kiss. A couple people wolf-whistled and others were 'awing'. It just made us laugh into the kiss. The graduation came to an end and we all migrated towards the people here for us. I saw my mum and dad and walked over to them.

"Congrats Luke!" My mum yelled, pulling me into a giant hug. I grinned and hugged her back. Pulling away, my dad gives my hand a shake and we start to head towards their car.

I swivel my head around to look for Skylar. I see her in the corner of the room with her brother, Jay, and some other guy. The other guy pulls her into a hug. They stay that way for a bit, then they pull away but he keeps his arm around her shoulder. I tell my parents I'll be right back and then walk over to her.

"Hey Luke! Meet my best only sober friend from America!" She says excitedly when she sees me. "Kyle meet my boyfriend Luke!"

I sigh in relief. He notices and chuckles, taking his arm off of her shoulders and giving her a push towards me. I smile gratefully at him and wrap my arms around her waist with my chin on her head. I loved that she was shorter than me. We all go out to eat since my mum said it was fine for me to go with them. Skylar took off her cap and gown like I had down earlier and she had skinny jeans on and a PTV shirt on. I laughed because she didn't even get dressed up for this.

"Well I gotta go Sky-lee," Kyle says after we finish our meals. Skylar nods and pulls him into a giant hug.

"Text me when you get there Kye-lar," She says. They both laugh instantly and then he drives off. Skylar looks at me and pulls me into a hug. I quickly hug her back. Skylar's brother and Jay went to go drop Kyle off so we were left alone.

"Let's go meet our friends," She says. I nod and we start to walk to Ashon's house.

 The walk there was a little longer than usual and I ended up giving her a piggy back ride, which she laughed about the whole way there.

 "Hey! The losers finally showed up!" Ashton yells. We glare at him and he just giggles it off.

We started to watch a movie, but soon just ended up talking to each other. There was comfortable silence where we just sat. I played with Skylar's hair as she sat on my lap.

"We can't drift apart. I just can't lose you guys. What am I gonna do when you all go to college?" He says randomly. He puts his hands on his head and starts to shake it.

"We won't. We promise Ash," Skylar says soothingly. We all start to say things like that to him and he goes back to his giggly ways.

As we sat around together as one big group, I realized that we won't drift apart. I looked around at my friends and there laughing faces. I looked at my girlfriend sitting on my lap.

She was happy, I was happy. I loved her, she loved me.

I hope it always stays that way. I will never let her slip away.

"I love you," I whisper in her ear.

"I love you more," She whispers back. I pull her in for a long kiss.

"Not possible," I say after pulling away.



This is the last chapter everyone!! I can't believe that i got this many read/votes on this story so thank you all so very much!!!

The epilogue should be up soon and then it will be completely donw.

But this is the last chapter!


BYE BYE! ^-^

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