Chapter 23

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Luke's *point of view*

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and woke up to grab it without disturbing Skylar, who was laying against me.

"Where are you?!?! It's midnight!" My mum screamed over the phone. I pulled the phone away from my ear as she continued to give me her a lecture about staying out late and not calling her, and she was screaming while doing this.

"Mum, I fell asleep at Ash's house," I interrupted her sentence about how late it was.

"Why didn't you tell me you were there before I started a lecture?!" She asked, a little more calmly but just as angry.

"You never gave me the chance," I replied, laughing a little bit. I heard chuckling on the other end and knew I was in the clear.

"You will be the death of me child," She said. I laughed a little more and she said to come home. We said our goodbyes and I started to shake Skylar a little to wake her up.

"Wha?" She groaned, still in a sleepy state. I chuckled at her, since she hated getting woken up.

"I have to get home. Want me to get Ash to drive you home?" I said. I didn't need a ride since I lived fairly close and I could use some fresh air. She shook her head no and got off of me. I missed her warmth but got up to get my shoes.

I saw Ashton was half on one of the couches and half off, Cal was on the floor with a pillow under his head, and Skylar was on the couch where we were. I gave Skylar a kiss and she mumbled a goodbye. Which I smiled at, since she actually cared enough to say goodbye even in her sleepy state.

I quietly exited the house and took a shortcut to my house. When I got there, I saw one light on in the kitchen and my mum stood there with her hands on her hips just waiting for me. I walked into the house and was immediately brought into a hug, which I returned.

"You had me so scared," She laughed. I laughed and said goodnight to her, then walked up to my bedroom. I slipped on my pajamas, crawled onto my bed,  and plugged in my phone next to my night stand.

I fell asleep and thought of all the things I had been told, all the things I had done earlier, and Skylar.

*next morning*

My blanket is suddenly tugged from me, leaving me cold, and the lights flicked on, blinding me through my eyelids.

"Get up!" Someone yelled and then I heard giggling. A familiar giggle. I snapped my eyes open and shot up to a sitting position. I looked around, letting my eyes adjust, and saw a giggling Skylar leaning against the door frame and saw a smirking Ashton standing at the edge of my bed.

"What the hell Ashton?!" I yelled at him. He burst out laughing and Skylar joined in. I looked at her and pouted, which made her come over to me and place a kiss on my cheek while rolling her eyes of course.

"Get ready or walk to school," Ashton stated as he motioned for Skylar to leave the room. Sighing, I got up and got ready in black skinny jeans, my nirvana shirt, and a beanie with my hair sticking out the front.

I walked down to the front door and grab my jean jacket, then make my way to the kitchen to see Ashton and Skylar there. I grab a bowl, cereal, and milk and gave them the silent treatment.

"Aw is Luke mad," Ashton teased.

"Don't be mad at me Lukey," Skylar pouted. She knew that would work on me like that works on her. I slipped me arm around her waist and pulled her towards me. She giggled about how I gave in so easily, which I groaned in response.

"What about me Lukey," Ashton mimicked and pouted. I threw a piece of cereal at him in response, to which he burst out in a fit of giggles.

Gathering up my stuff, we all left the house and drove to drove. Skylar was leaning against me and I had my arm over her all the way to school. The only thing making me smile today when I walked into school was that Skylar was holding my hand.

I felt more stares then usual, but, like usual, I ignored them. Sitting down the tree, I pulled Skylar to sit between my legs like we had on our first date.

"Want to go on a date this Saturday?" I asked. Even if she was my girlfriend, I still get nervous asking her. She nodded and gave me a peck on the cheek. I grinned, like the dork I am, and held Skylar closer to me.

Skylar got up, leaving me to whine for her to sit back down, but when I saw why she got up I immediately scrambled to my feet. Naturally, my first instinct was to push Skylar behind me as I faced Joey's partner in crime: the second most intimidating jock after Joey.

"Luke, yeah?" He said. I saw his eyes travel behind me to where Skylar was, and he was looking at her like a piece of raw meat. I snapped my fingers in his face to divert his attention away from ruefully checking out Skylar.

"Yeah," I simply stated, not really knowing where this would go.

He looked back at his friends and saw them all wave for him to go on. But Joey wasn't with them and that's what shocked me. And the fact that the jocks were actually talking to me, well not really, and not pounding me.

He jutted out his hand in a business-type way. I skeptically took his hand and he shook it, smiling at me. I glanced at Skylar to see her smiling also and I was just confused. As he dropped the shake, I finally noticed the crowd around us. Some with jealous faces, some with shocked faces, some with confused faces.

They all knew me as the school's quiet or 'weird' kid, whatever that means. So it was extremely baffling to all of them why this jock was actually shaking my hand and not beating me.

"You did good," He said before turning and walking away. It all clicked and I remembered that I had actually beaten up the school'd bully. Me.

I had actually beaten up the bully.......


A/N: Thanks for reading and sorry if updates are slow.

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