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Chris POV
I wake up and see bright lights and am very dazed and confused. I blink a few times and see my family around me. I'm in the hospital and I remember OMG BEYONCE!! I try getting up but my head hurts like hell. Family was pressing me down telling me to calm down. I start tearing up
Doc: Chris we want you to calm down...
I broke down. My heart stopped.
Doc: she's on life support
I broke down even more. The family cried with me. I can't believe this! I have to go see her!
Chris: I wanna see my future wifey!
Doc: if you feel stable enough
I get up and my head is gonna explode. Momma J and T both helped me walk. The doc leads me to the room and I see Bey all pale, hooked to a bunch of machines. I feel sick at the sight. I run to the garbage in the corner and throw up. Solange rubbed my back in comfort. She's a nice sister in law. After I'm done, I go back into the room and hold her hand. I looked up at the doc. Another doctor walks in and makes an announcement:
Doc 2: ok Knowles and Maurice family? Hey Doc
Everyone: Yes!
Doc 2: so doctor Jefferson and I have been working together and I found out doc, that Beyonce can get off of life support. See y'all what happened is that her organs are damaged from the bullet and lost a lot of blood, which is why she's a little pale. So, we found organ donors to help and got blood from blood donations that are clean. Once we're done with the surgeries, she should be much better. We're going to start the surgery. This is a pretty risky procedure. So I recommend y'all pray
Everyone sighed in relief.
Doc: we have to start right away but I'll leave y'all a second with her*steps out of room with doc*
Momma T: I think we should give Chris and Bey a minute
They all leave. I get on my knees and kiss her hand.
Chris: Bey I'm so sorry this happened to you. I promised myself that no harm would come your way. You got kids at home that adore you and you can't leave them behind. You can't leave us. I finally meet the one for me, you can't just leave me like this. Not your fans. It's not your time yet. I can't even describe how much I love you Bey!
I left crying. They take her immediately to surgery.
Momma J: Chris, the surgery is going to take a couple of hours. Why don't you clean yourself up, and breath. I'll drive you to the hotel and back.
Chris: what if something happens while I'm gone?!
Momma T: we have your number. Now go baby
We leave and I hop in my moms car and are on our way. All of a sudden, I get a call from Jay.
Jay: Chris man I'm so sorry for what happened earlier. Are you ok?
Chris: I'm fine.
Jay: good. How's Bey?
Chris: wait, how you calling me if you got arrested?
Jay: tbh man, one of the officers let me go. I was very confused. They dropped me off at the police station and drove off. I'm still really confused. I'm on the way to the hospital.
Chris: that's weird. She's ok. She's in surgery for a blood transplant and getting some new organs. They think she'll be fine right after. But we just got to pray. Jay we need to work as a team for Beyonce and the kids man. No more of this fighting shit.
Jay: thank god. Man, I'm so sorry. You're right. We got to stick together. Alright, I just got to the hospital. Imma meet the fam there.
Chris: ight. I'm on my way to the hotel to freshen up. I'll catch ya after
Jay: coolio*hangs up*
We get to the apartment and I walk in and I have an odd feeling like someone is here.
Momma J: imma wait right here baby. Careful with your head. You still have a minor concussion.
Chris: I know ma
I get into the bathroom and go in the shower. I rush my shower and get out. As I'm showering, I hear my mom scream bloody murder from the living room. I quickly put on gym shorts and a tee. I run in the living room and my mom is gone. I look out in the hall and see the elevator doors close with a glimpse of men in back outfits covering my moms mouth. I run down the flights of stairs like no tmr. I get to the main floor and the elevator opens but no one comes out. WTF?!? I go to the front desk and tell them. They send security all throughout the building. I wait in the main lobby. After an hour, they don't find anything. How?!? One of the security guards comes over to talk to me
Security guard: We saw 1 back window in the floor above this lobby window broke open.
They look at the cameras and saw minutes ago, they were hiding and took off in a car. They were able to make out the license plate. Great! My wife and my mom! Who is tracking me!!? Someone is coming after me by the hurting the ones that I love. Who?! I can't think of any enemy's that would go to this extreme. The police are going to do a full top to bottom investigation with the car. I go back to my room and get my wallet and keys. My car is downstairs in the parking lot. I go outside and unlock my car and the car blows up. I was fortunate enough to stay back the distance I was. Now they really gonna come for me. I call Julius over and I hop in the car. I explain to him what happened and the police before I left. This is just all disasterise. I can't take this! I get a call from the babysitter at home. She said someone broke in the middle of the night and they're gone! My heart broke!!! I scream out loud in agony! Julius is scared shitless. I get to the hospital and hurry in and see the family. I see the doc and they all crying. I'm finna pass out. The doc comes over and puts his hand on my shoulder...
Doc: I'm sorry for your loss

Jayonce Divorce 2: Reality [Beyonce X Chris Brown X JayZ]Where stories live. Discover now