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Chris POV
I fall to the ground on my knees numb. I look up at the doc.
Doc: I'm sorry you lost your child, but Beyonce is healthy and awake again. The surgery went well
Chris: whahwhaahwha- Child?
Doc: she was 4 weeks pregnant. I'm so sorry.
I look at the whole family and they are all sad as well. I can't even comprehend everything rn. I lost my first child, mom is missing, and Beyoncé's kids are missing! My future wifey got shot. I got punched in the face. Wtf us going on?!
Doc: would you like me to take you to her?
Chris: um sure but 1 second. I have to tell the family something.
I gathered the family together and broke down in tears again. My eyes hurt so much.
Chris: We have a serious issue y'all! First, the kids are missing! And second, my mom is missing as well!
Everyone gasped and yelled.
Momma T: we gotta head back home fast! Chris wait how is your mom missing?
I tell them everything from the phone call with Jay to The hotel room to my car blowing up
Solange: Chris, someone is after you! Is there something you're not telling us?!
Chris: NO!! I don't know who or why someone is attacking everyone who I love! We all have to stick together now.
Solange: I call Alan before and he's with Julez at home. I swear this person better not touch my so. Either.
Chris: imma go check on Bey and we'll discuss the plan after I'm done talking to Bey.
He doc lead me into the room and she brightened my night. It's 12 am and so much has happened throughout the day. She is groggy but smiles at me, squinting. I sit down next to her on the bed.
Bey: Chris
Chris: Bey omg you're ok*kisses her passionately* how do you feel?
Bey: I feel like my body hit a bus or something. What happened?
Chris: well we was out on a date night at the carnival and on our way back to the car, we hear gunshots and someone shot you. I'm so sorry this happened to you! This is all my fault Bey!
Bey: aww baby, no it's not.
Chris: I promised to protect you and I failed.
Bey: it's ok. I'm here now and that's all that matters
Chris: so you still want to be with me?
Bey: omg ofc Chris!!
Chris: um, do you mind if I talk to the fam rq?
Bey: sure. I'll be here lol
I get up and pull the fam to the side.
Chris: should I tell her what's going on?
Solange: I would break it to her gently
Jay: I'll come with ya
We go in and we both sit
Jay: hey bey. How you feelin?
Bey: hey Shawn. I'm alright.
Chris: Bey, we don't want you to freak out ok...
Bey: what?
Chris: my mom has been kidnapped...
Jay: and the babysitter called... the kids are missing
I open my eyes and see her shocked and flustered.
Chris: Bey, I'm so sorry. We told the police and we're on it. It's going to b-
Bey: DONT BULLSHIT ME!! IM GONNA FUCKKNG KILL YOU BOTH!!oh what a great father figure the both of you are. Just get out of my fucking sight and find my kids!
Chris: I'm so sorry Bey. I think someone is after us
Bey: I hope you get kidnapped and die, right next to Shawn!
Chris: were going to help you! I get it if you don't want to be with me anymore, but this isn't really my fault and I can't leave you just like this.
Bey: I'm sorry. It's just I want my kids to be safe
Chris: so do I. But we gotta work as a team. Then I'll leave you alone.
Bey: can y'all just give me a minute please?
We leave the room. The family looked at me and asked how it went. What sarcasm. A few minutes later, the docotor came out of Bey's room
Doc: ok, so I just talked to Beyonce. So, she has to stay here overnight and her body is healing pretty quickly and she's a bit tense rn. She said y'all can leave while we can take care of her. I hope you find her kids as well
Family: thank you doc
Jay: Chris, where do we start?
Chris: we gotta fly back home to NY and question the babysitter. But I feel bad leaving Bey here
Jay: it's ok. She wanted us to leave anyways.
Solange: please y'all go find my niece and nephew. We will take care of Bey.
The family did their wishes and goodbyes. They are going to try and have the whole town studied and watched. Jay and I fly back to NY and we get off. We head to their apartment and we call the babysitter over. Jay and I search this whole penthouse untill we hear a knock on the door. She came inside and we invited the police over too
Chris: Hi, you're name is...
Briana: Briana. Nice to meet you*sits down on couch*
Jay: ight, spill.
Briana:*cop taking notes* well, I was watching rv with them in the living room at night after I made dinner. I went up to go the bathroom and when I came back to the couch, they were gone. I just assumed they were playing hide and seek or something. So I look in every room and don't see them. EVERYWHERE! *sobbing* and then that's when I called y'all. I'm so sorry. I went downstairs and asked them and they said the cameras are only permitted access through the security and approval from the legal owner of the penthouse.
Jay: thank you for telling us the truth. Now let's go ask security for the footage.
We head to the lobby and see The security guard. They permitted me access cause he knows who I am lol. So Chris, the cops, Briana, and I all step into the room full of cameras. He winds back to the day that Briana called us.
Chris POV
We are watching and all of a sudden, around 8pm, we see these two guys secretly kidnapping the kids. Their masks only covered a little bit of their face. It was two guys. Who... wait a second...-OMG!!! It's them!

Jayonce Divorce 2: Reality [Beyonce X Chris Brown X JayZ]Where stories live. Discover now