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I looked at Micheal, then at Lucas, then back at Micheal again

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I looked at Micheal, then at Lucas, then back at Micheal again.

Crap, crap, crap!

Micheal looked pissed and confused while Lucas just looked, well perplexed. I had no idea how I was supposed to diffuse this situation. All I knew was that my brother was here, in Silver Point and I had almost kissed Lucas.

"Katelyn, we have to talk, now." Micheal said.

Lucas folded his arms across his chest and gave Micheal a withering glare, "Wow, not even a hello, just skip straight to the demands."

Micheal clenched his jaw and I would need a chainsaw to cut the tension between them. It was odd seeing Micheal here and next to Lucas of all people. Where Lucas was rough around the edges, Micheal was clean cut and crisp. They were like night and day compared to each other. Micheal was wearing his signature black suit but he had the white sleeves rolled up and the jacket hanging over his arm. My heart started beating faster when I saw the suitcase next to Micheal's feet. Make that a double crap, shit-storm deluxe!

"That's none of your business. I'm here to see Katelyn."

Lucas' jaw ticked and I jumped in before he could take a step towards Micheal, "Lucas, it's okay. He's right I need to talk to him."

I looked into his eyes and saw a storm raging in the blue depths. Lucas was mad but I couldn't begin to fathom why. Was he really that mad that he couldn't kiss me? Whatever it was it would have to wait until I dealt with Micheal. I tried pushing the kiss, or almost kiss, to the back of my mind. That was not as easy as I would have liked, Lucas had parts of my body on fire that I didn't even know existed. I'm no blushing virgin but I'm also no porn star either.

"Please Lucas, just give us a minute." I say while taking a step forward.

"Fine, I have other things to do anyway."

Before I can say anything else he brushes past me and shoulders into Micheal. I wait until Lucas' truck spins out of the driveway before fully facing my very pissed off brother.

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