Dare Me (Part 9 - Alexis)

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And how do they look? I don't know...creepy? We near the table where Brennen and Claire are sitting, and Brennen looks up. "Well, damn," he says, standing. "Colby, it's good to see you." I see the surprise on Leather jacket's  face, and everything makes sense. The man on the stairs, that I never see anyone go up, except for Gage and the girl a minute ago. How he got me a drink so quickly at the bar. My eyes roam. And how everyone seems to look at him differently, especially the waitresses who are now everywhere. One walks by now with a plastered-on smile, looking straight at him. Where were you a minute ago? Huh? I turn my attention back to Gage. He's the owner of this club. "You're the owner of this club?" I ask. He hugs Brennen and gives me a sideways glance. "Not exactly, Gage does...so sort of" Brennen grabs his attention. "I started work on that other merch deal. It's coming along" Brennen says. "Keep me updated brother," Colby replies. I feel Claire's eyes on me as she stands. "I'm Claire." "Colby Brock," he says. "Here's your drink," I say to Claire as she looks between Colby and me. I bring mine to my lips and take a big sip as my mind reels. This guy is out of my leader. I mean, Co - owner of this club. My eyes shoot around the place. Why on earth is he interested in me? "If you two don't mine, I had planned to take Alexis here for a bite to eat." "A bite to eat?" I ask, surprised. "Yeah," He takes a sip of his beer, eyeing me over the rim. Claire eyeballs me. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" "Sure," I say slowly. "She gives Colby a tight smile and pulls me away from them. "What's going on here?" She's all crossed arms and in protective Claire mode. "Hell, if I know," I reply, taking another big sip on my drink. "Can you believe his brother owns this place?" I look over to him as he laughs with Brennen. Claire snaps her fingers. "Pay attention. When did you meet this guy?" "Last week at the shop, but I saw him the night you got sick." "You didn't tell me." "Well, there wasn't anything to tell really," I say, looking back at him. "He's pretty hot," she says, and my eyes dart back to her. "Right?" I reply. She shakes her head as if she's chastising herself for getting off track. "Regardless, we don't know him." Claire's been hurt deeper than most. She's overprotective because of it. "Well, we got one thing going for us here," I say after another sip of my drink. "What's that?" she smirks, taking a gulp of hers as well. "Brennen knows him, and he didn't act worried when Colby mentioned us going to eat." she taps her lip, considering it. "True." We both take mouthfuls of alcohol. "So, are you going?" "Should I?" She looks back at him as he chats with Brennen. "Well, I guess it depends, What are going for?" "What do you mean?" "Are you going because you're hungry? Are you going to make a new friend? Or," she waggles her brow, "are you going to make a new frienddddd?" I smirk. "Your brain is always in the gutter." "It's a fun place to be." I sigh. "I think if I go, it'll be because I'm hungry." She laughs. "Yeah, Let;'s go with that choice." She finishes her drink. "Go. Have fun. Let him make you forget about the past few months. Rebound guys are always good for that. No one ever stays with the rebound guy, so you won't have to worry about starting up a new relationship." I shake my head. "Where do you read this shit?" She chuckles. "Just be careful. I'll cut a guy. I don't care if he looks hot or not. I'll track him down and end him." I laugh. "Calm down, black belt. It's just food." She smiles. "Seriously." "I know I'll see you back at the apartment tonight." "Wake me up when you come in," She orders.


We exit Red, and Colby grabs my hand. "This way" He directs me as I walk beside him. Hyper aware of how his skin feels against mine. Colby lets go and I feel bummed. I tighten my ponytail as we round the building and look over to him. "So you're leading me into a dark alleyway?" He smirks. "This is where I park my car."  I lift a brow and he chuckles. "You're funny, Alexis." I grin. I'm not sure anyone has ever called me funny, but I'm glad I can entertain. I'm funny and he's an asshole, guarded, and now I'm getting the nice side of him. I like nice, I understand guarded, but the asshole needs to pack his shit and never return. "Yeah, well, funny or not, Claire has threatened to cut you if you harm one hair on my body." I look from him to the seat. When his eyebrows lift, wrinkles appear on his forehead. I want to run a finger down them, but instead, I give in and take a seat on the soft red leather. He shuts the door, and I watch as he easily strides around the vehicle. "This is nice," I say, looking over at him when he climbs in.I shrug. Boys and their toys. He starts the engine, and I instantly feel its rumble beneath my seat. "Where are you taking me?" He gives me a sideways glance as he shifts the car and pulls out onto the main road. "A cafe. Put your seat belt on." "Yes, sir." I reply mockingly. I catch his lip lift as I pull the belt across my chest. "How long have you lived in Los Angeles" I ask as we come to a stop at a red light. "For a while" The light changes from red to green and I watch his hand as he shifts into first gear. There's something about a man and a manual. He reaches us and loosens the tie around his neck before shifting into third. We exit downtown and head to the outskirts. "What about you?" "Same," I reply. "Always lived in LA?" he questions. "No but I've lived her since I was 18. You'd think I'd be immune to the heat." "Right?" he agrees. "If we aren't by now then I don't think we'll ever be." "So, you're from aroundhere too then?" He shakes his head and rubs the side of his head before resting his hand on his thigh. I take in a breath and watch out the window as we pass by run-down buildings and scattered streetlights. "I'm from Kansas" he says breaking the silence. A few minutes later, we're pulling up to a small cafe. "I used to ," I say over to him. "I guess because it's not exactly in the city." "This is the best place to eat breakfast food." He shifts the car into neutral and pulls the brake up before we both step out into the warm night air. I adjust my shorts and make sure my shirt is still tucked in. The moon smiles above us, casting it's blue light onto the small paved parking lot. I follow Colby as he climbs the steps. He opens the door and steps to the side so I can walk in first. I'm startled when a beastly man calls out, "Hey, Colby! Come in my boy" He is a tall older man with a big round belly and soft brown eyes. He wears a white shirt with pinstripe pants, and a dirty apron stretches across his belly. I like him immediately

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