Dare Me (Part 18 - Alexis)

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Fifteen minutes later, I've sprayed my hair, rubbed lotion all over my legs and arms, and contemplated going to talk to Claire in the bathroom, but didn't. I'm downing a glass of wine when a knock sounds on the door. I place the glass on the bar and walk over, opening the door to reveal Colby leaning against the hallway. He looks up from the floor, staring."Hey." His voice is rough like he hasn't used it in a while. I glance at his gray/white Nike's and dark fitted jeans paired with a gray shirt. He looks laid-back cool with his backward snap back covering his buzzed hair. My heart coughs and sputters. "Hey," I reply. I leave the door and grab my phone and purse from the counter, before closing it behind me. Colby pushes from the wall he was leaning on. "You look beautiful." The compliment sends butterflies flying, and I can't say it wasn't what I was wanting when I put this thing on. It's also the way he says it. It's not like he's trying to be nice. I'm learning that's not Colby. He says it as though he's stating a fact, like he's saying the walls are cream-colored. "Thanks," I reply. We walk down the hall toward the elevator. "How was your day?" he asks. "It was all right." I sigh, thinking of the conversation I had with Karen earlier. I told her about the bank and she said she's going to see if they can give her some more time, but if they don't agree, she's going to have to put the store up for sale. And then, of course, my argument with Claire. "That good, huh?" I look over at him and notice the concern in his blues. "It's better now that you're here." I give a closed-lip smile, being sincere. He averts his eyes. "I doubt I'll have anything to do with mood lifting, but maybe a drive-in movie will." "Drive-in?" I ask. "Yeah. I didn't mention that part?" He tilts his head slightly. "No." I playfully slap him on the arm. "I've never been to one." We step into the elevator. "Cool. Your first time will be with me then." He leans against the back wall and I do too. "Guess so," I say. A first with Colby. Hmm, how many of these will we have? I think about our playful conversation on the phone earlier. I like that side of him. "What about your day?" I ask. He chuckles. "It was work." "That good, huh?" I repeat his words. He looks down at me with a slight bend in his lips. His tongue darts to the side of his mouth, and I avert my eyes and play with the bracelets on my arm. The small space grows smaller, and I become hyper-aware of how close he is to me. As the doors slide open, I let out a breath of air. Friendships are tough, man.


The afternoon sun sinks, turning the sky a blazing red- orange and dark purple. Automatic headlights cut on, and one by one the cars pull into the drive-in. It's sticky, but there's a light breeze that brushes over my skin making it bearable. I'm glad I chose to wear something light and flowy. I pull my hair to the side, getting it off my neck before stretching my arms out behind me and resting back on my hands as I gaze up at the setting sun, waiting for the movie to start. The summertime wind smells like popcorn, pine, and rain when it sweeps over my face, moving my hair and making it tickle the backs of my arms. "Isn't that amazing?" I ask, turning my head toward Colby. I rest my chin on my shoulder and my eyes watch him in curiosity. Colby's blues roam over my face, and he has a look of pure wonder. "What?" I ask, honestly interested in what he could be marveling at so intensely. He shakes his head and my eyes go to his throat when he swallows then turns his face toward the falling sun. "Nothing." My heart jumps from its diving board straight into a swarming flight of butterflies, because man, the way he was just looking at me. I've been on this earth for twenty-seven years and not once has anyone ever looked at me like that... not Mark... not another living soul. It's a damn shame really because we're just friends. I don't want anything more than that and he has made it clear that he doesn't do girlfriends. I furrow my brow as I look out at my crossed feet. There's this lightness in my chest that I've never felt before, this feeling like feathers are floating inside, but there's also an underlined heavy fear that has me breathing in to give it a release. "Your ex-boyfriend was an idiot." I look over at him. "I fully agree." Colby's eyes stay straight ahead when he says this. It's as though he's thinking out loud. I study the side of his handsome face. From the dip in his temple to the small dot of a birthmark on his lean neck. My fingers twitch on the soft blanket under us. I have to stop myself from reaching and running the pad of my index finger over the birthmark. "But I'm glad," he says, his Adam's apple moving when he speaks, and my eyes jump to his. "And why is that?" I question, my voice raspier than normal. "Because now I get your time." He looks back to me and that airy feeling spreads, leaving little room for anxiety. My mouth opens slightly, and I taste the evening air. My time. He says it like it's an important thing to have, and it makes me feel one thing I haven't ever... wanted. The wind blows harder now, causing a light rustling through the trees. It feathers over my heated skin, and chills chase one another up and down my arms. I look away from his face, trying to rein in all of these feelings. I see the colors in the sky have already changed from bright oranges to soft silver. Summer heat lightning flashes in the distant clouds as I bite back emotions because his words break walls and he'll never know how much he just changed me. "Alexis Harrison?" someone says. I turn my neck. Holy crap. Nash?" I lift myself up, catching his smile as he hugs me tightly. This guy was a lifesaver in my college algebra class, and we may have messed around some, but that was a different time and I was even more closed-off than I am now. "What are the odds?" he says. My arms almost stick to him because of the humidity. "Sorry." I give an oops face. He laughs. "Dude, it's hot as fuck out here. We're all sweating." He looks down at Colby, and I follow his gaze. Colby's face is emotionless. "This is my f—" "Colby Brock," he interrupts me and stands up. "And you are?" Nash lifts a pierced brow at me. "Nash Cohen. Lexi and I went to college together." He holds his hand out for Colby to shake. Mr. Moody returns it, but he doesn't seem enthused. Our little bubble was pin popped. The moment we just had evaporates like rain on a hot tin roof. "What have you been up to?" Nash asks me. "Just working at Mugs and Books. Karen is selling the place. Can you believe it?" "Wow. I can't," he replies. I dart my eyes over to Colby who stands with his hands in his pockets and his blue eyes bouncing between Nash and me. The wheels in his mind are turning. I can see it. "What are you going to do?" "Well, I'm trying to buy it." "You should. You always loved the place." "Yeah," I agree. "Lexi, the movie is about to start." I look to Colby and then the screen. "I won't keep you," Nash says. "It was good to see you." He comes in for another hug, which throws me off. I return it, though, trying to avoid Colby's clenching jaw and lifted chin. "You still have my number, right? We should catch up." "Umm, yeah." I run my hands over the front of my clothes as we pull away. I'm pretty sure I won't be doing that. Even though Nash was a good friend, I'm just not one for going backwards. He nods. "Good to meet you," he says to Colby. "Likewise." I give a friendly smile as I watch Nash walk away. Man, college seems like a lifetime ago. So many people tried to get to know me and I refused them. But, that's the thing about me. I wasn't naïve to the ugly of the world. I was naïve to the good. Hence why I have such a hard time letting people in. I've seen what they can do and who they can be. Claire's words from earlier come to mind. "You're afraid to let people get too close." "You want a beer?" Colby asks, snapping me from my thoughts. "Yeah," I reply, thinking a drink is just what I need. "Be right back." He lifts his hat as he walks away, lazily dropping it back down on his head. I take a seat on the blanket and wipe under my eyes before deciding I've had enough of my hair on my neck and back. I pull the hair tie from my wrist and wrap it up, instantly feeling cooler. A few minutes later, Colby walks over with two beers and hands them to me so he can sit. The cool liquid feels good going down my throat and I put the can against the skin on my chest to cool me down. We're both looking at the screen when Colby says, "So you two seem pretty close." "Hmm?" I question. "You and what's his name." "Nash?" I ask. "Yeah. Him." He leans back against his front bumper. His long legs are stretched out in front of him and he crosses his Nike covered feet. I like that his jeans are fitted around his ankles. It shows off his shoes, which look brand new. I'm sure he has a closet full. I notice the slight bitterness in his voice when he says him, but I choose to ignore it. I move the can from my chest and pick at the tap. "Yeah, we were close in school. He's a good guy. No baggage," I say. I choose to leave out any further details. Colby narrows his eyes and looks back at the screen. "Unlike me you mean?" I bite my lip. "Well, you aren't an open book." He blinks back to me. "And you are?" I bring my beer to my lips and swallow down his comment. He's right. I'm right, but it doesn't get us anywhere. "Did you fuck him?" he asks. "What?" I scrunch my face. "You heard me." He flips his hat around backwards. "I don't think that's any of your business." "So, you did." "Why would you assume that?" I ask in a quieter tone because people are close to us. "The way you smiled at him and the way you aren't telling me," he says all matter-of-factly. "I smiled at him like a friend, and I'm not telling you because it's not your business to know who I've slept with." He shrugs. "Fine." He takes a sip from his beer and looks ahead at the screen. I look at him a little longer, wondering what the hell just happened. You are friends. You and Claire talk about who you've slept with, my subconscious reminds me. Well, she does. "You're missing the movie," he says, giving me a sideways glance.I place my beer between my thighs, tighten my messy up-do, and lean back on my arms. "Fine."

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