Dare Me (Part 24 - Colby)

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"Stay," I say with a swallow. What am I doing? What is she doing? She tentatively places her hand over my shoulder while I hold her other in mine, grazing my chest. Her forehead rests near my lips, and I want so bad to taste her skin. I'm turned on more than I've ever been and what we're doing isn't sexual, but it's the most sensual thing I've ever come close to. My heart pounds only inches away from her touch, and I'm afraid of the feeling that's slowly spreading throughout my chest. Comfort, lust, belonging...owning. Yes. I want to own this woman. Body and soul. Fuck. Why am I thinking these things? I can't do this. Panic washes over me, and instincts tell me to run. But she looks up at me. Her fierce eyes dare me to do something I've never done before. To let my guard down. I blink, mesmerized by her. Her small hand fits perfectly inside of mine, and just her touch calms me. It's as though I've been lost my whole life, and she's finally found me. I should kiss her. I need to kiss her. But the song ends and a new upbeat one blasts through the speakers. Lexi pulls away. I missed my chance. Disappointment weighs heavy, and I don't like it. She looks past me, and I follow her gaze as Claire walks up. "You ready to get out of here?" she asks. "It's late." Lexi's eyes dart to me. Is she wanting me to ask her to stay? "Yeah," she says, not waiting for me to respond. Or maybe I took too long? Shit, I suck at this. I don't usually have to think so much when it comes to women. We fuck; they leave. There's nothing else to think about. But not with this woman. My woman. Your woman? You can't even kiss her. I will. "Talk to you later this week?" she asks me as we walk off the dance floor. "Yeah, I'll be by," I reply. "I didn't say I wanted to see you." I frown. "I'm kidding, Colby." She laughs and pushes my arm. "Lighten up." "Humph. I've been hearing that a lot lately." She goes in for a hug, surprising me, and my hand presses flat against the bottom of her back. "Maybe because it's true," she whispers into my ear, sending chills down my spine as her sweet breath licks my skin. She places a kiss, and I freeze. I'm gifted a smile as she pulls back, my face expressionless, but my chest full of emotion, it almost chokes me. But maybe she's just tipsy and she doesn't mean any of it. "See you later," I say to her, my voice thick with emotion. Fuck. I run a hand over my head. She walks away with Brennen and Claire after they say bye, and Colby puts his arms over both girls' shoulders. It pisses me off. He gets to leave with her, and I'm standing here alone. Always alone.


The ceiling fan rotates above me, and I swear I can see each individual blade. It's four in the morning. Gage is passed out on the couch in the bar room with women laid over him, around him, and I can't stop thinking about that dance earlier with Lexi. Odd as hell, right? A room full of naked women and I wanna see her. I've had more than a few to drink tonight, but I'm not shit-faced. I mean, I could be worse off. Before I realize it, I'm up from the bed. I grab my snap back from the dresser and loosely put it on my head before I pull my jeans back on. My shoes are by the door, and I slide them on before grabbing my keys and walking down the side alley stairs. I shouldn't be driving, but fuck it. I start my car and head to her place. I need to see her. I'm loose feeling and weightless as I shift gears. I crank the window down and enjoy the breeze against my skin. Orange lights mix with white, and I turn my radio up. My eyes dart to the rear view, and I see a cop car pulling up behind me. Shit. I reach down and grab a stick of gum from the drink holder. The light turns green, and I press the gas and chuckle at myself. What the fuck am I doing? I'm drunk. It's four in the morning, and I'm driving to a woman's house. Am I mental? Have I completely lost myself? The cop follows me a few blocks, but I'm not too worried. Even if I get pulled over, I can get out of it. I've been getting out of shit since I was a teen. Regardless, when he turns, I'm happy I won't have to deal with it. I park near the curb and sit outside for a moment, looking at the changing stoplight up ahead. My hands twist around the wheel, and I look to the door. Don't overthink this. You drove here because you wanted to see her. What's wrong with that? Drunk me is a risk taker. I smirk. And I'm going to listen to him. Pulling my keys from the ignition, I get out and breathe in the hot late-night air. She's asleep, I know. I'm too old for this shit. I walk inside and take the elevator to her floor. Maybe I should text her. I slip my phone out of my pocket and search her name as the doors slide open. Lexi, let me in.

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