Dare Me (Part 23 - Colby)

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She blushes, and it does things to me that I've never felt before. I quickly put my mask on so she can't see. She doesn't say anything, and as Bobby places our drinks down, she lifts hers and takes a sip. After a moment, she says, "What's upstairs?""A private area." She nods and looks pissed again. Damn, what did I say? "What?" "Nothing." She takes another sip. "Alexis, I'm not a mind reader. If I do something to piss you off, you've got to tell me." Her eyes dance between mine before she peers down at her drink, looking sheepish. Why is she shy now? She's never had an issue telling me what she thinks before. "Tell me," I say. She sighs. "I saw several women go up there earlier and then you came down." Oh shit. "Is that your little orgy room?" I want to laugh. No, girl. "No, my brother likes to have a good time. He's a woman's man. Those girls were for him." Of course, I leave out the part that they all wanted me, too. Her face morphs into shock. "Do you like to watch or something?" This time I do laugh. "Hell no, woman. I have a loft above this place. The stairs to it are up there. He's probably screwing on every surface, if he can stand up right. I'll have to get the place sanitized." She scrunches her face. "That's too much info." "Well, you asked." She shrugs like you're right. We sit in silence for a moment and I drink my bourbon, wondering what she's thinking and what she's been up to these past few days. "I didn't sleep with him." I take a sip of my drink, wondering why she's lying to me. "We fooled around once or twice. But it was never serious, and I told him I'd rather be friends when it seemed like he wanted more." Fuck. That's why he was a dick. She never gave it up to him. Good girl. I lift my lip, happy to hear he never had her. "Nothing to smile about," she says, hitting my arm. "I can't help but be happy you didn't sleep with that fucker." "Why does it matter?" she asks, bringing her drink to her lips. I shrug. "It just does." She looks around the club. "How many women have you slept with in here?" "You really want to know that?" I say. She scrunches her face again. "No." I laugh. "Why haven't you come by to try out the new coffee machine?" I rub my head. "I've been at the ranch." It's a lie, but I don't want to tell her about my mom or that I've been seeing if getting away from her would clear my head. It hasn't. I've only wanted to be around her more, hence why I left easy pussy as soon as I saw her down here. "Oh." She tilts her drink back, downing the rest. "Want another?" I ask. She nods, and I get Bobby back over. I lean up. "Hey, pay attention to this woman like you would me, we clear?" "Yes, sir," he says. "Good. Get her another." "Geez, you don't have to be rude to him," she scolds. "I didn't know I was.""We clear?" she mocks. I roll my eyes. "He works for me and Gage, Lexi, and I don't like the fact he picks and chooses who he wants to serve." "Touché, Mr. Brock." God, this woman. She's given another drink as her friends walk back up. I'm disappointed that I no longer have her to myself. Claire puts an arm around her and smiles. "So, what's been up with you?" she says to me. Claire seems like a good friend to Alexis, but I'm not happy with that look she's giving me. "He's been busy," Colby replies for me, and I hear the disbelief in her voice. "Ah," Claire says. "Y'all leave the man alone." Brennen steps in. "Whatever." Claire pokes him in the chest. "Don't turn on us because of some stupid bro code." "Bro code?" Brennen's brows lift. "Yeah. Bros before hos and all that shit." Claire waves her hand dismissively. Lexi laughs.Claire squeals, "Oh, this is my jam! Come on, Lexi!" She pulls her friend from her seat. "You're making me spill my drink," Kathrine says to the dancing queen. She takes a gulp and leaves it behind before she's dragged to the dance floor. She turns back to give me a look. I smirk. Damn, she's sexy. I lift my drink to my lips as I watch her move her hips while holding onto Claire. Her ass looks amazing in those jeans, and her wedges make her legs appear super long. Brennen gets my attention. "So, I know I'm doing a job for you, but can I ask you something man-to-man?" The drink goes down smoothly, and I suck my teeth as I place it back on the bar. "Sure." "What's the deal with you two?" He points towards Alexis. "Why do you ask?" He shrugs as he takes a swallow from his beer. "She's my friend, dude. I've known her and Claire for a long time. She's been through some shit. I see the way you look at each other. I'm just watching out." I lift a finger to signal for Bobby again. "Need another?" I ask Brennen. He nods. "'Appreciate it." "I'm not sure just yet. Is that a good enough answer for you?" "Just be careful with her. They've both had some shitty relationships. Claire's ex beat on her pretty bad, and she had to get a restraining order. And Alexis had a miserable upbringing and then lands a douche for a boyfriend who cheats on her after two years." "Miserable upbringing, huh?" I observe the girl who's making my whole world slowly turn upside down. So, we have that in common. "Any details on her past you wanna give up?" I lift my brow at him. He smirks. "Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you. You'll have to let her." I nod, liking this guy more and more. "I respect that." He looks out at the dance floor, and my eyes follow. I watch as Alexis dances with Claire. She moves easily to the music, seeming so carefree in this moment. Brennen breaks my trance. "I'll have to warn you, though. She's not one to share." I laugh to myself. Don't I know this already. Our refills sit behind us, and I stand when a mix of In This Moment's "Adrenalize" comes on. "I've always loved a challenge." I lift my glass and drain it before placing it back down. He smirks and tips his beer toward me. "Good luck."The music is seductive, and the lights above us dance and twist. The club goes black with only white strobe lights spinning around on everyone's faces and bodies. I walk up behind Alexis as she dances, eyeing her friend and signaling to let me dance with her girl. She smiles and tells Lexi something before heading toward the restroom. The DJ focuses on the slower part of the song, mixing it up so it's bleeding sex, and the crowd responds by slow moving instead of raving. Lexi turns as if she's going to walk back to the bar, but there's me. A small gasp falls from her lips, and her hands land on my chest. She goes to move them, but I stop her. "Dance with me." I cover her hands with mine. The song fades into Rob Zombie's "Dragula" before switching back into "Adrenalize". Alexis's ash gray eyes narrow. "Come on," I say. She gives me a smirk and lifts our hands up as she twists in front of me. Her ass presses right up to my crotch, and she sways. My hands move down her sides, following her curves and valleys as she moves against me. I wish she were naked and all of these people would disappear. That's an idea. Maybe one day.Her head falls back, settling into the groove of my neck. I turn my face so it's touching hers, and I breathe in. Her hair smells like a mixture of rain on Sunday mornings and a field of wild lavender flowers blowing in the summer breeze. Home. I want to kiss her and feel her tongue against mine. I want to beat the shit out of her ex for hurting her and that punk Nash. Why didn't I hit him? My thoughts vanish when she reaches around and grabs my neck. My fingers skim across the hem of her shirt, and I lift it up so I can feel the skin of her stomach. Hard rock fades away and in its place are soft lyrics from Anderson East, giving everyone a chance to grab a drink, but several people stay. She pulls away, but I can't let her go. I grab her hands. She wavers, tipping her head to the side.

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