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"Hey.. what's with the face Rosie?"


"You're a terrible liar"

"Unnie? Do you know them?"

I handed unnie my phone so that she can see the photo.

"Hmmm...yeah..I know them. I saw them once in an event in Six Free Hotel. Why you ask" she continued on drinking her cola while looking at the photo.

"They're the "new friends" I telling you"

"Really?! Wow! I'm so happy my baby chipmunk now have a group of friends!!" She said while clapping.
But her clapping didn't last long when she saw my face.
I shrugged at her..not sure to what'll I say.

"What's the problem with that? They are good people. I knew them too but occasionally and I have no worries on you being friends with them."

"That's not the thing unnie"

"Then what?"

Duh!! Is that not obvious? The other students will starting to talk about me again. Telling things about me that is not true. Saying "hey! she's such an attention seeker","she's doing her thing again","feeling rich hanging with famous people" and bla bla bla bla.

"Don't mind me unnie. I'm ok."

Oookk..that tone again..

"I'm sure. I'm good. Don't worry about me. Go now to your practice unnie."

"Ok..baby chipmunk..bye! Love you! See you at home!"

I waved back at her. I went to the  edge of the rooftop. I can see the whole campus from up here. This is where I spend my time alone. As I was having my moment alone my phone suddenly rang.

Unknown number?


Hi Rosie!!!

😶 I think I know this voice.

How did you get my number?

I have sources honey

What do you want?

Come with me! I'm going for an audition in the dance club.

Do you think you need to audition Lisa? Because I swear..once the organizers will see you, they'll be begging for you join the team.

Nah...I want to be in the process

I just sighed earning a chuckle from the other side.

Please Rosie!!! Please!!

If I can see her face now..she is really wearing her cute puppy eyes right now.

Ok..I give up

Hey!!good!!I'll see you later at 10! Bye!!

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