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Rosé is not around. She said she has a schedule. I'm now walking on this empty hallway in this " I don't know where?" building..I'm still new here ya know. I was running from the crowd a while ago and ended up here. I was busy looking for my phone in my back when someone caught my eye. His wearing a blue turtle neck jacket and she's mumbling while holding his phone on his ear. I looked around and no one is around except us..so I approached him.

"Excuse me?"

He got startled but gave in a huge sigh.

"Sorry if I scared you" I told him.

"No no no! I was just shock you're here"

"I was just waking around and ended up here. What's this building anyway?"

"Well..this building is kinda abandoned now..it was the business administration building last year. They transferred because this building will be renovated soon."

"Oh..that's why no one I around here.."

"Sorry for being rude..I'm Jimin..Park Jimin" he introduced himself and held his arm.

So this is Jimin guy that girl is talking about when she approached Rosie.
Well..I finally met the guy our pasta fell for.

"No worries..I'm Lalisa Manoban..just call me Lisa" i accepted his handshake.

"I know.....your really famous..I hope you don't have a hard time around here"

"Well..... I think that "hard time" for me is slowly getting closer.. students starting to stalk me tho.. I don't want to have a bodyguard around the school cause it's kinda awkward when someone is following you always around the campus."

"Well..that's life.. good thing you found this place..this is my place when I want to think..and be alone."

"Oh..am I disturbing you now??"

"No no Lisa..I was just planning something" he assured me while chuckling


"I'm planning something for the girl I like" he suddenly barked

I wonder who? But on what I heard around here..he is so whipped for Hyeri..Rosie's sister.

Oh no! My pasta will get hurt!!!

"Really? Wow! How romantic of you" just go with the flow Monkey Lisa!

"Ah..hehehe I really liked her since..but I didn't have the chance to ask her out.."

"How did you find her so attractive? " Ok... detective Monkey Lisa is now signing in!!🧐

"I fell in love with her since first year in college..now..where fourth year..I don't want to graduate not telling her my feelings. She so friendly and caring at the same time. She talented too. I don't know..it's like..love at first sight?"


My chipmunk... she's going to get hurt! No!!! I don't want that to happen!!

"Can I ask..who she is??"

"Yeah sure..." He chuckled
"The whole school already knows about it" he continued

"It's Hyeri"


"Oh! Really! Good choice! She's so beautiful tho! Good luck bruh!" I  played around..

"Yeah..thanks! Well..my best friend will be helping me to finally ask Hyeri on a date..and probably she's going to plan the set up of the date..that's what she assured me"

😳 WHAT???!! Rosie???! What did you?? Ugh!!! She's just hurting herself!!

"Really..wh-who is your best friend?"

He took his phone and handed me a photo of a girl who is sitting on a bench on the school.. Her eyeglasses are so big and her fashion is way weird.. I really didn't recognized the girl on the photo but not long I recognized her...


"She's my best buddy! Rosie!"

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