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"Miss Kim! Miss Kim!"

"Hey Miss Kim look at here!"

"Yes! Give that post!"

"Miss Kim look at the camera here!"

"Miss Kim this side!"

"Miss Kim hand the bag up! Yes! That's it!"

"Miss Kim here!"

That is the shouts of the camera men while I'm walking from the event venue of Burberry. Cameras are everywhere.
When we got outside the barricades, fans starting to go near me..oh my! Someone was running approaching me. I thought she was gonna push me but before something happened a hand grabbed me and slowly guiding me to the car. He was pushed by a lot of people instead of me.

When I got inside the car, he smiled at me to assure me everything is ok and he went on the drivers seat.

I took my phone and chatted Jennie that the event went well and telling her I'm fine and safe. Yesterday, Jennie chatted me that Rosie got bullied again..well.. they'll wait till I got home.

"Miss Kim, where going back to the hotel now..are you ready?"

I smiled at my long time bodyguard who treated me and protected me in the best way.

"Yeah...let's go back at the hotel..


The Tears Of My Guitar (Fanfiction Collection)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora