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"This...This...This...or This.."

"No..Ji..un-  I mean..Hyeri likes Tulips..erm..that's what I heard."


I nodded. He was holding a pen and we are now listing some things for his FIRST DATE...well..with my sister.

"Ok..tulips..then I was planning a surprise Chaeng.."
"Really?! How?"

He winked at me and my heart beats so fast..


This is wrong..

"Hehehe just count on me Chaeng.. you'll see.. I'll make Hyeri like me"

I just smiled at him.
"I know you'll do"

I wish I never met you tho.
I wouldn't be hurting like this.
I thought to myself.

It was past 3 in the afternoon when I got home. I went straight to my room but I was taken a back when I found something big in my bed. Wrapped in a long rectangular box and it has a letter on it.

To My Chipmunk
    I love you as always..🖤
Advance Happy Birthday
From Unnie😘

I opened the box only to reveal a new Yamaha guitar.
I ran my fingers to the frets and until I noticed the name that is written through the frets of the guitar.

R O S E N N E     P A R K

I got suddenly teary eyed..my unnie loves me so much.

"I just missed you playing music. I missed you singing."
I heard her.

I turned to her and...

I really can't stop myself now...


"Huh?" She asked..


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