A hook isn't so bad

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I sit behind my curtains. I hear the clock ring 12. The new man is here and I must find him. I hear the camera move and I wait. After a wile the camera still hasn't moved so I crawl out of my corner and into the light. I reach out with my hook and pull the curtains open. I peek out and watch the lifeless camera. Once I am sure the security man hasn't checked the camera I slink out of the cove. On my way I bump into the sign that says,"out of order! Sorry."
I hate that sign, it makes me feel like a toilet that is clogged. It's not my fault, the stupid kid had it coming to them. I had a new suit, a new life, and a new name. I wasn't broken old foxy eny more. I was good in fact, I was golden, I was a golden Freddy. Though sometimes I think back to the suit, and how it made me popular, and I feel sad because it was that little, skallywag, girl that did this to me.
I look at the camera as it moves towards me. I freeze in my spot outside the curtains. It keeps moving and I stay absolutely still. Than it stopped and I breathed. after about three minutes I left and ran around the place. past the stage where Freddy asked,"Foxy! What are you doing?" But I passed him by.
I ran down the hallway screaming
"I was framed, I still work!" The camera moved but I didn't care. a got to the door as it closed. I slammed my fist on the door and cried out in anger.
"Araiiiiiiiiieeeee, it wasn't me!"
Just then the power cut out.
"Vvvvvoooooooo....." I scurried to the side and slipped in the process. I hid just out of view as soon as I heard Freddy's familiar tune. I watched in horror as Freddy got closer and closer. And then he stopped. I heard him step closer to the security guard. than I heard the guard whimper and cry in the darkness. But than an unfamiliar ring broke the tension. Freddy stopped walking and rushed back to stage. I heard Chika and Bonnie return to their places. I decided to also return to my place before someone found me.
I heard the door open as I rushed to my spot on pirate cove.
"Good morning Mr.Schmidt. How wa-"
"Calm down Mr.Schmidt. what is this talk about the animatronics trying to kill you?"
"They MOVE! They move!"
"Why that's impossible Mr.Schmidt. You must be seeing things! why don't you go home and have a good nights sleep. Come back tomorrow and I bet it will all be ok. alright?"
"Your right MrScott I've bean awake since 6 AM yesterday."
"Yes I am right aren't I."
"Goodby Mr.Schmidt. And sweet dreams."

And with that I awaited tonight when this Mr.Schmidt would return.

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