A friendship reborn

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I was angry about my failure to get the security man last night. I plan to get him tonight however. Once I get to him I plan to run him to pirate cove and give him no mercy. I was abandoned because of neglect, he will be the receiver of my anger. After I'm done the others can have him.
The clock strikes twelve and I listened for the camera. Nothing. I peeked out from behind the curtains. The camera moved and I stopped in my tracks. After twelve seconds I was sure he had left me alone so I moved in for the kill. The camera moved and I stopped again. Why won't you leave me be! After another twelve seconds I dash to the office. I sprinted down the hall and made my way to the dented door.
"Let me in! You stupid ape!"
"Why is he an ape? He's an endoskeleton." Bonnie was snuck to the corner of the hall and proceeded to eavesdrop on me.
"He's a human you dumb bunny!"
"Oh..." Bonnie even being a robot looked hurt. I dashed to my place by pirate cove. I didn't even return to my spot on the inside because I wanted to get the guard so bad! I had made two more feeble tries for the guard. By now he knew my pattern. The cameras seamed dead. I think that he was low on power so I completely ignored the cameras.
I ran to the door. I got so close I thought I might make it. I stuck my hook into the room. The door landed on my arm and I was trapped. I tugged and tugged at my arm. It was around 5:55. I usually am waiting for my night mode to kick on by now. I hear footsteps coming towards me and I pull harder. The fur on my arm is gone and I see scraps of it trapped in the door. I see Freddy come closer to me.
"P-please don't stuff me in a suit!" I landed on the ground as my legs gave way.
"Foxy! Why would I do that?" My eyes flickered open and closed as I was falling into my night mode.
"Y-you hurt m-me!" My arms lost power.
"I will never hurt you again Foxy! You are one of us.....and you are my friend!"
I was blacking out.
"P-promise..." Freddy picked my up from my spot in the corner.
"Yes Foxy. I promise." I remember Freddy carrying me down the hall. I bounced in his arms as he took steps. I slipped off to night mode as Freddy carried me to pirates cove.

I feel accepted now. I must befriend Bonnie and Chika. If I don't I will not be fully part of the gang again.

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