Bound at the ears

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I open my eyes as I hear the door open. I see the clock, it's 11:59. I am exited for the endoskeleton coming. It is going to be the second time I see it. After what seams like a small eternity, the endoskeleton arrives. It goes straight to the security room. as soon as the clock strikes twelve I move of the stage and into the dining area.
"Bonnie! Come back you are ruining it for us."
"Nope! You can't hold me forever!" I left the dining area. On my way out I swore I saw Foxy look at me. I got to the corner and stopped. I waited and waited until I felt it was pointless. I moved to the door.
"Eeeeekkkkkkkkk!!" Slam! The endoskeleton shut the door on me. I then noticed a box at the corner of the door. It looked easy to hack into. I flipped it open and saw wires.
"Chika! Come quick! Look what I found!"
"Why should I?"
"Because, it will help us get the endoskeleton!"
"Oh! I'll be right there." Chika got there in witch seemed like forever!
"What did you want to show me?"
"This!" I pointed to a red and yellow wire. "If you snap this in half before the endoskeleton closes the door, you can stop it from working! And attack when he looks at the camera."
"Extremely diabolical!"
Chika and I left the door and entered the kitchen. I swear I heard a bang of something hitting a door, but Chika told me it was her trying to make some pizza to lure the endoskeleton out of the office. I moved back to the dining area and looked at the clock. It was 5 am almost 6!
"Chika. Stop with the pizza it's almost leaving time!"
"Really? Aw crap! I have to put these platters, pans, and bowls back. Come help!"
"Ok I'll come and help your little fiasco in the kitchen." I moved as fast as possible to help Chika. We moved out of the kitchen and into the dining area. I look at the clock and made a mad dash for the stage. Ding. Chika got to stage as the door opened. I listened even though I couldn't hear talking.
"THE....MATRONICS......KILL.....AGEN!" I heard the endoskeleton scream at bill
It was a long silence before I heard shouting. It was clearer this time so I made out every word.
"I HAVE TO STAY TILL FRIDAY!?" I heard stoping and than a crash. I sat in my place as Bill turned on the light.
"Oh my! Oh my!" I wondered what he was looking at. I heard curtains being pulled back and I peeked. Foxy was open to viewing. I saw some crushed parts on him. His eyes were lifeless as though he went into a night mode.
"My oh my you are...."

I cling to the last sounds I hear as I go into night mode.

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