A night and friends.

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Hey guys. One more chapter until I finish this. I would like to thank all of you for reading this book. It means a lot to me that I have gotten so many reads to this book series. My dream is to write and this website has made it happen. I haven't gotten any comments on this so far, I would like some feedback from you guys. Please stick with me here. This is going to be a short chapter. Nothing really important goes on here. You can skip it if you like, but read this authors note. I am going to make a second book. For those who love reading this, it's going to be a filler book. It's going to be called, Dismantling Danger. Just sayin' that people that love long stories that NEVER end will be disappointed. One more thing, you HAVE to read the last chapter. See you later my survivors.

I stood on the stage. Chica and bonnie were beside me. I waited for them to leave. Finally bonnie went. Soon Chica joined him. I walked off stage letting a maniacal laugh escape my metal mouth. I walked into the dark dining area and stared at the camera. A let out another laugh as I went to the east hall. Chica was at the door waiting.
"To the bathrooms freddy." A voice no louder than a whisper said too me. I followed its orders and went to the bathrooms.
"Into the ladies." The same voice whispered to me. I went in and saw a golden suit sitting on the sink. i opened my mouth to talk but he talked first.
"Call me gold, short for golden freddy. I want to help out so I ask you. Can I?" I was astounded by the talking bear suit. I simply nodded. He smiled and dissipated into thin air.
I peeked out at the camera. Nothing. I felt like foxy. I let out a loud laugh as I went to the east hall. Chica was once again at the door. I went up to her and tapped her on the shoulder.
"Hey, can you take the corner for a moment?"
"Yes." She walked to the corner as I peeked in and checked the time.
All night we traded spots. Finally it was 5:00. I gave Chica a look and she looked in. She leaned over a little box and snapped a wire. She stopped and her eyes went out. I didn't worry, this happens sometimes with Bonnie and Chica. She soon regained consciousness and got up. She waited until she ran in at the guard. I was the slowest so I got there last. I grabbed him and he put his hand on my face. Mike left a handprint on my head. A sound made me look up.
"Hello my friends." A familiar yellow bear named golden freddy floated in the air. He grabbed miles head.
"Let me help, grab a leg."

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