The end

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The animatronic animals all grabbed a limb. They raised Mike over their heads and took him out the west door. They dashed down the hall with speed. They got to an open door and went inside.
A rusty table with grime worked into its cracks sat in the middle. They threw Mike onto the table. Chica and Bonnie pinned him to the table while foxy and Freddy got the suit. Gold looked at the broken endoskeleton on the table. It had belonged to a dog named Sparky that had been the main attraction until he met an unfortunate accident. Freddy and Foxy were the only ones that knew of his existence. He nocked the endoskeleton off the table. In the process the endoskeleton activated. It opened its eyes and moved its right arm. The other parts were unable to move due too the accident.
The endoskeleton looked around the room and met eyes with Freddy. It opened its mouth about to speak.
"Fre-edd-" Before it could finish Freddy's foot landed on its head with a crack. The endoskeleton stopped moving. Wires and pieces of metal were scattered across the floor.
Foxy was using his hook to pull a Freddy head off the top shelf. Freddy was lugging a Bonnie suit off of the bottom shelf. Freddy placed the suit on the table in front of Mike. Foxy held the head in wait as gold, Chica, Bonnie, and Freddy walked over to Mike. Mike scrunched into a little ball. They picked him up and started to shove him into the suit. Mike yelped in pain as he was forcefully placed inside the suit full of crossbeams and animatronic devices. Finally they managed to get him in the suit. Mike watched as Foxy moved the helmet towards him. He ducked his head into the suit. Foxy placed the head on the suit. Mike yelled out but the suit muffled his screams of agony.
After a moment a knock was at the door. The door shook and was furiously knocked on.
"MIKE!! OPEN UP MIKE!!!" Mr.Scott yelled. Mike groaned in pain.
"See I helped." Gold said too all of the animatronics. "Go get in your spots, quick." The animatronics ran to position. Gold disappeared as the door opened. The manager stumbled in and looked around. He went into the office but Mike wasn't there. He went into the dining area once again, this time he heard the groans from the back room. He went in to see a Bonnie suit with a Freddy head on the table with a pool of blood forming under it.
"M-m-Mike?" He asked with a shaky voice. He could here shuffling inside the suit and a soft voice.
"Heeeelllllppppp....." the manager leaned in.
"What?" he asked.
"Heeeeellllllllllllllppppppp." The voice said a little louder. The manager removed the head and Mike reviewed his face. Mike's eyes and cheeks were glossy with tears. The manager dropped the Freddy head and ran to help Mike. He grabbed the phone off the wall and dialed 911. He told the person at the end of the line to bring the paramedics.
When they got there he had removed Mike halfway out of the suit. He was impaled by a broken crossbeam. Some of the animatronic devices had scratched or gouged his shin. A couple ribs were broken too. They had to saw the rest of the suit off him. He was placed on a stretcher and taken out of the building. A young girl and an intoxicated lady got out of a police cruiser.
"MIKE!!" The little girl screamed as she ran over to her injured brother. She started to tear up at the site of his broken body. She stood over him and walked with him. The drunk lady staggered over and laughed.
"My son is deeaaad! Heeee's gonnne!" She wailed. The girl shot her a look as she got in the ambulance.
"Ma'am he's not dead. He's injured. We're working on stabilizing his wounds." The drunken lady pushed him out of the way.
"My son is nooooooot going to you're hospital!" The lady started to pull the stretcher. "He's comin' wiz me-hic-eee." She hiccuped and slurred her words. Finally an officer pulled her off the stretcher. He handcuffed her and she spat on him.
"she's a dumb one alright." The girl said to herself as she watched her mom get arrested through the back window of the ambulance.
"I DON'T NEED THE STUPID POLLICzEXvnyE RudIzcNIN' EVERthIn'!" She was pushed into the cruiser.
Mike was recovering in the hospital. His mom was still in the county jail until further judgment. Mike's sister was aloud to stay with Mike in his room since her mom was in jail, her dad was dead, and her brother was unable to care for her.
The restaurant was being closed so they had to vacate the place. The manager was under interrogation. The animatronics were moved from the building. They were kinda old looking and they malfunction a lot so they were trying to replace them. They started repair when it all went horribly wrong.


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