Don't mind me in the shadows

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I stand on the stage awaiting the chime of twelve. Ring ring. We wait for the time when we will say hi to the endoskeleton. As the rules state, an endoskeleton outside of the back room has to be in a costume. At 3:00 Bonnie leaves the stage, Chika is close to follow. Bonnie returns to the back room and Chika leaves for the rest rooms.

In the time that I stand on the stage I think about the incident. It was Foxy's endoskeleton that bit the child. It was all his fault no matter what he says. He blames the child for it but he had control over his body. We know he did, after he bit her he smiled and brought his arms out in a "Ta-Da" like fashion. They put the suit somewhere to hide it and we only catch small glimpses of it. He is associated with the words it's me, and I see the words when I see yellow bear. Chika and Bonnie both called him Golden Freddy, I called him yellow bear, but Foxy never talked about him though he screams that he was framed.

I watch Foxy exit pirate cove and run around the dining area. I see Bonnie enter the room as I ask Foxy what he is doing. He doesn't reply but I don't blame him, after all he's scarred of me after the attack. Nobody knows abut it, even I don't like to talk about it.

Just then the power went out with a vvvvvvvoooooooo....

I move down the west hallway. On my way I see Bonnie. He warned me about how it was hard to get the endoskeleton. I tell him that I know what I'm doing and not to worry, besides Bonnie is really bad at getting the endoskeleton. I move down the hallway and play my tune. In the corner I see Foxy cowering. I feel bad because I made him do that. In the window on the other side I see Chika. She looks pitifully at the endoskeleton. I brush it off and get closer to the endoskeleton. It whimpers and pleads for me to leave. Than i hear a tune brake the quiet. Ring Ring Ring. The little metal box on the desk is making the racket. It reads that it is 6 am. that's when the endoskeleton leaves and Bill comes in.
I almost run back to stage and reassume the position I was in when Bill left. I heard yelling but made out nothing. After that bill came in and looked at us.

"I wonder about you.... I wonder..." Is what he said aloud but then he said something just to me,"your just as bad as old yellow."

And with that I pondered the rules, and the costume-less endoskeleton.

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