Are you feeling peckish?

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On the stage I stand. I Hear Bonnie moving around over there. I have always bean a better waiter. Soon the clock strikes twelve. I hear a mechanical sounding noise, and turning my eyes, I see that the camera is active. After a little bit Bonnie moved and I joined him. Soon we both left. I went to the bathrooms and he went somewhere else.

I walk down the east hall. I get close to the camera and just stare. After a bit I get board. I move to the corner and see a light flash in front of me. I believe that was a door light, it was seeing if I was there! I move to the door and look in the window. I saw an endoskeleton looking at a screen. It put the screen down and checked the door lights. first the west door, than the east door. It saw me in the window and slammed the door.

"Phew!" The endoskeleton exclaimed. I cursed myself and left the door. Not for long did I stay away. I was back in the window. I heard him curse to himself as he closed the east door. He checked the camera and slammed the other door close. I heard banging and a screech.
Everything goes black as a vvvvvvvvoooooooo brakes the quiet. In my spot by the window I see and hear Freddy play his tune. As he gets closer I flinch, but I can't take my eyes off the endoskeleton and how afraid it looks. I can only feel pity for the endoskeleton no matter how bad I want it to be in a suit. My thoughts are interrupted by an unfamiliar noise. in the room a little box flashes the time and beeps.
I read it and it says 6 am. The time when Bill comes into work and the endoskeleton leaves. I rush back to my position on stage and close my eyes. I have a neutral expression on my face. Freddy and Bonnie join me on stage and I hear Foxy run back to pirate cove. We hear people talking and yelling. I can't make out eny thing other tan the word kill. I see Bill come and look at us

"I wonder about you........ I wonder...." Is all he said.

Five nights at Freddy'sWhere stories live. Discover now