A hop, skip, and a scare away

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On the stage I stand lifeless. on the ring of twelve I smile on the inside. I wait,"Not yet Bonnie, not yet." I have to keep myself from moving. Soon I let in and move to the dining area. Chika joins me, and then we move to are first spots. I go to the back room, and Chika goes to the bathrooms. After a wile I flee the back room, and move to the west hallway.
I soon go to the corner, and wait for the perfect time to strike. After a minute I move to the door. The endoskeleton sees me gone, and checks the door light. It shrieks and closes the door. It is apparently happy over its small triumph because it yells,"Sucka!" I will get it next time however. Then we will see who yells Sucka. I go to the supply closet to ponder my next attack on the endoskeleton. I make two more feeble attacks on the endoskeleton before I decide to return to the dining area. When I did I saw Foxy running laps around the dining area.
"Foxy! What are you doing?
Foxy kept running, which was extremely rude!
I walked back to the west hallway as I heard a familiar noise. It was a vvvvvvvvoooooooo..., as if something was powering down. Freddy passed me wile I stood in the hallway.
"The endoskeleton is very hard to get." I told Freddy
"Don't worry Bonnie! I did this before remember? With the one that talked to the funny metal box with the red light and the little talk box."
"I remember Freddy." I say. with that Freddy walks off and plays his tune. it takes him so long to finish it. After about three minutes he stops and walks toward the endoskeleton. Seconds later an unfamiliar tune brakes the quiet.
I look at the clock. It reads 6:00. I scramble back to my place on stage. What would happen if they found me. They would probably "replace" me like yellow bear after he bit the child.

Freddy and Chika joined me on stage. We saw Foxy run back to pirate cove. Why was he out? We heard the door open and we reassumed the position we were in when he left. We heard voices and yelling though it was hard to make out. The only words I made it out were,"trying.", "kill.", and "me". We heard the door open and shut. Bill, the manager, came up to us and stared.

"I wonder about you three......
I wonder....." Is all he said.

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